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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. the boogeymonster

    the boogeymonster Senior Member

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  2. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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    thats cuz you did it on a day ment to scare the shit out of you.hahaha.

    i almost died halloween 16 blunts of unreasonable weed btween 3 people i took 2 e's and i was buggin out i was so scared we were buying people candy off them because we "forgott "ours. the truth is we were to bombed to realize you can go around and get it for free. and i felt mad good when my friends were payingmore than like 2 bucks for a butterfinger and i yelled FREEE MUNCHIES!. and emptyed a bowl of candy into my bag. in the end i passed out on a swing in a park. [/b][/quote]
    funniest shit ive herd this month :lol:
  3. D'$iduurr..

    D'$iduurr.. Senior Member

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    yah! free base that shit!

  4. the boogeymonster

    the boogeymonster Senior Member

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  5. D'$iduurr..

    D'$iduurr.. Senior Member

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    haha, thats fuckin gross.
    i was kickin it with this kid i use to go to high school with
    yesterday, and hes a rich muther fucker, and he got into
    hella shit, he was fuckin sniffin Herion and shit
    hes fuckin crazy
  6. meatsnacks

    meatsnacks Senior Member

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    what?!?!?! thats a waste, put that shit in a needle if your gonna do that.
  7. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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    he's rich he didn't know any better
  8. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    what i did today

    >woke up early for a weekend(12:30)
    >smokeda bowl on bong
    >entered bombing science
    >made a firecracker and put it in the oven
    >firecracker done
    >ate it
    >smoked another bowl
    >back to bombingscience until the firecracker dropped on me 2 hours later
    >proceded upstair to smoke anther bowl
    >banged out the crazyest wildsyle iv ever done and i cant even do wildstyles
    >smoke another bowl cuz the peice took an hour and a half to draw
    >whent exploring killed 2 cans on some throwys
    >got lost
    >smoked a blunt in the park with some gang people i didnt know
    >still lost i found my way to the parkway
    >decide to catch some day time highways
    >biked in the shoulder high as hell
    >realized it was mad scary when people beeped at you
    >sprinted 2 miles to the next exit
    >found a home depot
    >stashed my bike
    >whent inside and racked like 4 industrial sized rustos
    >found some train track heading roughly towards my house (i live along the tracks)
    >destroyed like 3 bridges and wall facing the highway
    >realized i knew where i was when i showed up at a spot that was on some >abandon tracks.
    >saw some some friends hit a bowl in a trainstation
    >robbed a kid for a quater o
    >made it home exactly 25 mins ago
    >its now 7:25
  9. cant.do22

    cant.do22 Member

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    hahaaha sounds like a good day
  10. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    the best part is i was like 20 miles away from home on a bike on the highway
    and i was tthe most fucked up on just wee i have ever been by far
  11. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    man acid is fucked, i did acid on halloween nd went fucking around with my buddies..Long story short worst trip ever. lol [/b][/quote]
    haha thats such a bad idea doign acid and walking aroudn late at night with tons of people with "scary" masks on, youd be going fuckin crazy
  12. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    that could work fine, jsut ptu the toaster on its side and slide the firecracker in, press down the lever(wwhich wouldnow be pushign it to the sided) and coutn to like 30 and pull teh lever back and eat it...
  13. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    now i have my smoking for tomarrow too oooooooooooooooooooo im excited
  14. mannequin

    mannequin Senior Member

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    this thread should be pinned, id think its important
  15. Stear(Stare)

    Stear(Stare) Senior Member

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    haha thats such a bad idea doign acid and walking aroudn late at night with tons of people with "scary" masks on, youd be going fuckin crazy [/b][/quote]
    actually one of my friends was trippin balls on acid holloween night....she kept talkin about this damn house with all these lights and was sayin it was johnsonville and the it would spell out her name in the air and all the kids had to grab the letters instead of get candy, haha i dont think i stopped laughing all night. she said some stupid shit. but the next day she thought that was her best trip ever...not scary at all. but who knows...
  16. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    man i want to try acid so bad. got $20 stolen both times i tried to get it, so i think i'll just wait till bonnaroo.

    my friend just picked up another zip, and there's a 24 hour party starting at noon tomorrow, so i'm gonna take my bong. shit's gonna rule. the girl whose house it's at live in a rich neighborhood, so me and a couple of my friends are gonna see what we can get out of some cars in the area. i need some money, bad, and i have a feeling i'll be making a good amount tomorrow night. ipods, cameras, police radars, you name it. everybody around here leaves that shit in their cars, so it'll be no problem.
  17. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    ^^^^ you and me think alike.
    my sister whent to bonnaroo last year she said it was crazy and that they had vendor that didn bother carding for beer and shit. i was supprised when she said she only smoked once, cuz if my parents had let me go i would have brough about an o.

    in october i was down in new orleans at voodoofest if any of you have herd of that and like 4 different dudes tried to sell me acid. my sister and my cousin both go to the same school down there so we all whent and i found out he smoked and drank when i always though he was straight edge and like 10 mins later he produced a fatt ass blunt and me him and my sis procided to smoke while watching social distortion.

    my family is so fucked up
  18. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    i just realized the crazyest shit happens to me

    none of my storys are bullshit
  19. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    hahahah, i live maybe 1-2 hours from bonnaroo, but i've never been. i know a ton of people who have gone mulitple times, though, and they all say it's amazing. this kid said that there's always people going tent to tent asking people if they want to buy acid. i'm gonna buy my ticket once i persuade my mom that i'm not gonna do any drugs and find out who i'm riding and camping with and everything.

    there's also bongs and bowls galore there to buy, so i'm gonna be bringing a lot of money for some of that and some other stuff.
  20. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    yeah it would be a huge car trip for me cuz i live in new jersey i duobt my parents would let me go away for like 2 weeks with the car till i graduate soo 2 years and im in there the tix were like 200 somthing though