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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Nah kiddo, not a bong, a pipe, a crack pipe:

    Take regular light bulb. Use flat head screwdriver to pry, tap in black end and empty it out rinsing the white power whitch I'm sure is not good for you, and hold over stove, when the glass gets really hot drip water on it and it should crack on that spot or around it then just tap that and add foil.

    Haha I got 2 bongs, 1 hand held Hookah, 1 small pipe, and 1 full size, one tubed Hookah, but I neglect having it and keep it in my room with a lamp shade over it, the tobacco bowl is huge.
  2. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    ^^actually you can make a homemade vaporizer from a lightbulb which i think is the best way to get blazed :ph34r:
  3. segway

    segway Elite Member

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    lightbulbs do own.
    for the shitty piss tests, drink a lot of water and take niacin, itll restore the yellow. a good piss test will know it is too diluted and they will call you back for another test another day. a supposed method for a sure pass is to mix pectin with water in some proportion, they have the details on OG.
    ive got a metal hi-liter piece (fits right in the back of a hi-liter or a marks a lot a lightbulb and an inside out color changer
    i wish i could roll a decent j for my life, i used to be able to but i lost that ability.
  4. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    the small things in life make me happy...

    for instance, today, school was straight, like usual, just there to socialize...

    after school, went, bought my friend some dip, bought a Icey Mint Optimo (now, ive never used optimos in my life before, but WOW is it like a nice cold breeze goin through your throat...) and smoked a blunt with my friend in the 'smoke out shack" (some shack my friends built in the woods for a chill place to smoke...

    anyways, the small thing making me happy: glazed ham and pepperjack cheese melted on a bisquit :D
  5. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    ^^^car2n if you ever come to RI for some reason hit me up with a pm so you can come to the fortress, my boys basement is finished and the chillllllist place to smoke, drink, pool, tv, bathroom, fridge, sink, 6 footer, and his newest gasmask type thing with the bong attached, that thing made me cry, its hardcore.

    edit* cant forget about the biddies that roll through
  6. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    dosent if you drink too much water it will make ure piss see through, and when the doc takes ure sample one of the main things they look at is the color.So i drink lots of water then eat alot of apercots they turn piss yellower, and they wont tell u tried to delute ure test.But yeah drinking alot of water does make you register as negative. [/b][/quote]
    i dont think doctors will care, just be like, i have ben drinking lots of water lately....what else is there to say
  7. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I wish I had a pool table in my basement. I've been thinking of buying one, but space is an issue. One day though, I'll have my own pool table...

    When I first found out about those lightbulb vaporizers, I'd use them so much. But now, they don't do anything for me. I'm a fan on bongs, but they've got nothing on joints. Blunts and fatty's are alright, but personally I love smoking pinners. Can't wait untill my birthday, I've been cleaning out my buster and collecting the crystals for awhile now, and I'm going to roll all of that into a nice wrap, hopefully mixed with hash.

    On the drug test tip, you may be able to coverup your drug use, but they can tell if you've used some methods, and that can make you fail the test. The best advice I can give if you know you've got a drugtest in a couple weeks is to stay sober. And then after you pass your test, you get lit, and get that much higher.
  8. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    dude. .....what the fuck is wrong with you.
  9. MitNGEK

    MitNGEK Elite Member

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    all i ever smoke nemore is dro(hydro) its fucken bomb i havent smoked purple haze cuz that shit is to fucken ixpensive but G-13 is fucken bomb
  10. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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  11. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Ohh word folks I diden't even think about that somehow, the hole is perfect I think too...
  12. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    its so hard to get purple haze or any other strain in the area i am from. shit like that just doesnt float around like regular herbs and usually people are just happy to have cron anyways
  13. NeO.Skunkkr1

    NeO.Skunkkr1 Senior Member

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    i dont think you know what your talking about
  14. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    my dad has a pool table B)

    we should use it more often
  15. segway

    segway Elite Member

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    yo man, if you think "puple haze" is too expensive, theres no way youre smoking g-13
    i hate when people think just because its hydro its really good, its just a way of growing it
  16. skaterbomber

    skaterbomber Senior Member

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    all u canadians should be blowing this thread up

    u have all kinds of bc buds

    us americans are jelous of how good your weed is
  17. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Fuck that, fuck beace, go to new mexico or Socal and bask in that shit. Fuck even Nor Cal got some "skunk" as they like to call it down there. Myself, being a seattle resident, come across a lot of BC bud, and after a while I get pretty damn sick of it. When I get my paws on some southern shit its without a doubt the high light of my day.
  18. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    my dad has a pool table B)

    we should use it more often [/b][/quote]

    The word "dro" is a big pet peeve of mine. Same with people thinking that hydroponicially grown marijuana is automaticially better than organic. I guess when it comes down to it, its all just a matter of opinion, but if your paying more for what your being told is hydro is stupid. The main benefit of growing with hydroponics is the yeild, which is better than organic(depending on the strain), but better yeilds are only benefiting whoever grew/sold it. Personally, I'd choose organic over hydroponic anyday, but thats just my opinion. For my next grow I plan to grow a strain out in both soil, and hydro to get a true comparrasion between the two. Overgrow has a good article on hydro vs. soil that's worth the time to check out.

    As far as the G-13 and Purple haze goes, unless you really know who your buying from I wouldn't take too much of what they say seriously, beause alot of heads out there are just in it to make profit and will tell you want you want to hear. That's why I'm glad I don't fully need to rely on others for marijuana. My goal is to become totally self-sufficent, that way I can keep enough for myself, and still make a few bucks from my friends.

    Any ways, the half of danks in my pocket is making it impossible to concentrate on the screen, so I'm off to get lit. All the Marley I've been listening to isn't helping either.
  19. only4herbthred

    only4herbthred Member

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    this is something i have always wondered but never asked: if u put an alcoholic beverage in ur bong instead of water would any of the alcohol come up with the smoke??
  20. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    Does water come up with the smoke?