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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. TylerDurden

    TylerDurden Elite Member

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  2. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]: [/b][/quote]
    lol i dont know what you were trying to say but i think its funny cuz that face is blue :lol:
  3. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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  4. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    you payed 80 for 8 stife ass dimes?

    thats hardly an eigth.

    you should see the dub i got today
  5. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    goddamn i'm psyched for tonight
  6. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    normaly everyone would be like no body cares but im really high so i have to know what you physced about.
  7. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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  8. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    hahah my friend who has an oz and half is coming to my dads tonight and my dad has work tomorrow so he has to go to bed early. we're just gonna chill in my basement and smoke a ton. and probably explore the city a little.

    and i had half a bowl of some of my moms purple at 4 (central time) and im still gone. highest ive ever been off of that much.
  9. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    hahaha sick i got some purptoday it didnt look like i thought it would i imagined like 100%vilolet colored weed bud it was like greenishred leafs and really darkbluish nugs with hell red hairs like alot more than usual and a fair amopunt of crystals and the nugs where so solid and dence and when i ground it up there was like chunks of crysals just falling to the bottom

    such crazy shit iv been gone since 3
  10. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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    i took 3 hits of blueberry last thursday before school and i was tweakin for half the school day. bad thing was i had cottonmouth and the munchies with nothign to eat or drink.
  11. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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  12. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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    got it from my boy for 40$
  13. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    fair deal i gues if you payed 80 for that you got STIFED cuz thats like 8 nicks
  14. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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  15. lance uppercut

    lance uppercut Banned

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    lose the bombing science banner, the banksy quote and the bad handstyles done with expensive ink containing the number "420" and we'll talk
  16. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    that stuffs old but i still lik it i barrowed a camera phone and i always add different shit to them
  17. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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  18. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    iv been bombed since 3 i ate one firecracker and had 2 bong hits
  19. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    are you jsut that "token stoner" of your town? you love talkgin abtou how blazed/bombed/stoned you are, adn your myspace is blunted bravo...not tryign to be an asshoel jsut i was curious cause i was jsut watching not anotehr teen movei with the token black guy

    just chekd your myspace...the handstyles are bad, not gunna say nayhitng negative theyre jsuty not good...the k alvays looks liek a B or an R
  20. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    haha yes i am the tolkin stoner of my town :D and im proud of it those handys are old from when i barrowed a cameraphone from my friend. my new shits prime