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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

    • Messages: 2,606
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    "obviously know very little about the drug"? fuck you, i probably know jsut as much as you abtou you get shitty hits doesnt mean he should triple dose his first time around, and you obvioully pulled that 100micrograms out of your ass because unles you're the one makign these shitty hits your basing your info on i highly doubt you know how many micrograms are in each one

    edit: ok you probably didnt pull that 100ug out of your ass, but still 3 hits
    would be roughly 200-300ugs and a strong dose can occur at 150 and i doubt you want your first trip to be too strong
  2. LOPe_GCI

    LOPe_GCI Senior Member

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    haha. wow.
    this isn't a pissing contest. i could care less how much you think you know about something. i was giving someone advice on a question they asked, and also letting them know that the prior advice was given by someone who obviously knows very little about the subject. it wasn't a personal attack so don't get your panties all in a bunch. i'm not going to continue this conversation because there is no need. eat a whole sheet if you want, it doesn't affect me.
  3. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    good evenin my fellow habitual smokers
  4. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    I dont have msn.

    Shut it up.

    I cant tell you that if you have problems with me tell me on because you have, but dont bring me into your issues with other people. Maybe he was just stating a random thought maybe he was thinking about killing you. I dont know but dont bring me into you childish nonsese with people if no part of it applies to me.
  5. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    don't even botehr with him, he makes fun of people over the internet and feels good about himself, and thinks hes better than anyone else on here...a fraud to himself and humanity alike
  6. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    Ah so he is one of those "hopeless" ones that turns thier sadness to anger and releases it upon others to feel worthy amounst the rest of society?
    I feel in this case instead of my pissing in your pockets I should be pissing on his face.
  7. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    i dunno, i justm ade all that up but i never liked him hes been on BS forever...he jsut comes on ehre and talks shit to kids who hell never see adn the majority of peopel who do that are what i described so i jsut assume he is too
  8. alive

    alive Banned

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    so much anger!

    just take one, theres always another time.
  9. jape-the-nape

    jape-the-nape Elite Member

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    get 'im in the ribs vegi
  10. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    shuht the fuck up im not talkgin abotu suicide or dying, and this aint no teen agnst shit, hwo bout you fucking think abotu somethign more open minded you peice of shit

    and i dont knopw his msn account, what the fuck are you talkign about...your a bitch you waste away your lfie by covering it up in drugs, and you probably think to yourself "oh my lifes fuckign great i spend everyday the way it should be spend i rush through it on drugs not able to rememebr half of my lfie so when i finally do die ill be all upset about it because i want to live more" [/b][/quote]
    I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to expect the content of the weed thread to be that regarding weed, or even other drugs. Talking about death is not needed in here, if you wanna pretend to be some philosophical thinker and wank on about death and the meaning of life go do it somewhere else, somewhere where it's relevant. I'm not even gonna bother with the little unfounded girly hissy fit you threw in at the end of your spiel cause I know that you have no idea about me, what I do every day or even how many drugs I do. You can hate me all you want, I don't care either way, just post your irksome mulling about topics not related to drugs elsewhere.

    By the way, I didn't pay for that weed, so no, I'm not paying for 4 grams worth of stems. And guy, yes, that weed isn't dry yet.
  11. JackJill

    JackJill Elite Member

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    You're going to need it after almost getting fucked over.
    Poor Veggi :(
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    well after the US's biggest rave, 2 liquid viles of K, a 100 bag of cooked K, quarter pound of hydroponic mushrooms, some cronic, an 8 ball of PURE uncut coke, 30 valiums, 2 80MG oxys, 10 10mg hydrocodones, 10 7.5 laratabs,3 30MG morphenes, 15 MG of roxycotin, 10 diffrent types of some SERIOUS rolls.... the 2 day event was over, myself a walking zombie........ shit was amazing...

    took a 60 unit shot to the muschel of some of the liquid K.... HOLY SHIT, anyone not experience with drugs i wouldnt recomnd bascily shooting yourself with a tranqulizer dart enough to bring down a few hundred dog, big animal.... shit was intence......

    here the line up
    [Broken External Image]:
    the cure was amazing, as well as andy c
    explosive 420, its been fun!
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    take 1MG worth, i ate 30MG's every day of xanax when i was on my benges
  14. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    hell yeah ive smoked with them fools down stairs with this serious has that just got back from amsterdam.... toronto hemp company is where its at
  15. groneg

    groneg Senior Member

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    whats the best overthecounter drug?i want some hardcore shit
  16. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    'hard core' and 'over the counter' thats like
    'barny, the dinosaur' and'not a big purple fag
    they just dont go together
  17. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  18. Snot

    Snot Senior Member

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    That could've been delivered a bit better.
    -pats on back-
  19. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    dude im the last person who should be telling anybody how to live their life, but you're walkin a fine line mixing shit like that.
  20. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    That could've been delivered a bit better.
    -pats on back- [/b][/quote]
    haha thoughts exactly

    gesus soudns like an amazing time...i woudlnt have done half that shit but the half i woudlve done i wouldve been withotu words for