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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. syrup2

    syrup2 Elite Member

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    your joking right ?
  2. G-Fat

    G-Fat Elite Member

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    syrup, i'm pretty sure that was sarcasm, if not than...well hmm...
    and syrup if that was sarcasm, well played, well played indeed.
  3. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    haha soda cans are grimey, i once smoked out of one of those lays stackers containers though...ripped some pritty bomb hits due to the size and papers is where its at for me now
  4. syrup2

    syrup2 Elite Member

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    i feel like a dummy now

    cuz im pretty sure he was sarcastic now that i read it better
  5. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    haha he obviously are a dumby haha look at how you spell dumby
  6. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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    if he was seirous it would of been hilarious though.
  7. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    yeah i coudlve seen him being serious before he did the whoel "that is genious..." bit and beyond
  8. getthefuckup

    getthefuckup Senior Member

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    has any one made weed brownies using an instant mix that DOES NOT!!!! use butter but oil instead
    i am pretty sure that you can boil peanut oil with finely ground up weed in it and it will absorb the thc the same as the butter, but iam wondering if any one has done this
  9. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    haha it doesnt matter, its all about the fat in it...oils actually better than butter because you dont have to boil it down so much...

    anyone else see cartwonist on AIM yesterday? I saw his name and thought i'll hit him with an IM in a second, but then forgot tiem i guess
  10. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    he said it was bomb idk ..
  11. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    if thats ox its a 40 and it looks like its smashed into pieces, but i dont think is, compared to those bags i always thought the pills were bigger. it almost looks like a broken half mg xanax football.
    i ahd those pink ones this one time. on the comedown i got all edgy and had to take some 5htp, shit made me mad sick. i coldnt even tell if i was rollling after 2 of them. [/b][/quote]
    you idiot theyre only 40 mgs thats nothin percs have 325 mgs of asprin thats why theyer so much big , oc 40s are tiny but pure.
  12. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    a lays stacker container would make an ill steam roller...
  13. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    yo if thats real coke thats one of the best signatures. if its not then its shitty.
  14. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    you're shitty.
  15. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    you idiot theyre only 40 mgs thats nothin percs have 325 mgs of asprin thats why theyer so much big , oc 40s are tiny but pure. [/b][/quote]
    oxys arent pure by anymeans they have more filler then u think thats what when u cook it down into a spoon you have to melt and then filter OC's are the closest, ABG's are the copy writed generics of OC'S, and thing other then them two are gonna have massive amounts of cut and filler in there.... trust your neiborhood junkie
  16. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    drop 4 and youll be sitting alright, the come downs a bitch and the next day your hungover as a bitch [/b][/quote]
    well first off i tested these rolls and there a massive amount of METH in them, my friends are stuck with 200 of them cas there so shity, that might be why you had such a ruff hangover...\

    ive been dropign the best of the best rolls presses and pure molly and sas for the past 8 years, my tolerence is a lil bit high and i know alot more then most u 16 year old kids who been doing ti for 2 years max..... and one whos been droping pills for over 6 years knows the quality of pills sence the 90's and early 2K has declined SO much and the price sky rocketed... i used to be the main supplier of pure MDMA and MDA in my city, i know my facts on presses and pure, if u have to eat 4 rolls to be good, there TRASH if one doesnt put u on your ass there TRASH too me

    YOU KNOW ME Member

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    yummm. molly haha

    im tryin to get some synthetic mescaline
  18. Oink.

    Oink. Elite Member

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    well first off i tested these rolls and there a massive amount of METH in them, my friends are stuck with 200 of them cas there so shity, that might be why you had such a ruff hangover...\

    ive been dropign the best of the best rolls presses and pure molly and sas for the past 8 years, my tolerence is a lil bit high and i know alot more then most u 16 year old kids who been doing ti for 2 years max..... and one whos been droping pills for over 6 years knows the quality of pills sence the 90's and early 2K has declined SO much and the price sky rocketed... i used to be the main supplier of pure MDMA and MDA in my city, i know my facts on presses and pure, if u have to eat 4 rolls to be good, there TRASH if one doesnt put u on your ass there TRASH too me [/b][/quote]
    man i was doing 8 to get fucked, aww gay. And gesus tolerance is a bitch, I gotta admit. Im basically going on a hiadus sp? of druguse, Gunna stop till summer at least. (why im telling you all this?..i have no idea)

    Aye blue xxx tripple stacked SUCK and are laced to shit with K?(i think?, im not to sure i did 4 nd was having visuals i was tripping balls and had the most intense case of confusion i had no idea what was happening the whole night)
  19. jape-the-nape

    jape-the-nape Elite Member

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    good luck
  20. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    NEver tried, the green shit i had wass laced to shit with H..THAT was a fun night.

    my city a good 9/10 pills are dirty haha. [/b][/quote]
    learn your facts rolls cant be laceed with H

    heres some of my H stash

    you think that cant be presses into a roll enough to effect you, if it was anything it would be fetanal

    [Broken External Image]:
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    suckah's and those arent anything less then 50's