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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    :unsure: Gee... He left of his own free will... Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he really was a toy who wanted to be Trane, in which case I could've invited him to toy forum, where everyone else could berate him instead of me.... My mod senses are usually so good about that type of thing....

    I could just see in the back of my mind, him sitting there all fat and smoky....listening to some Depeche Mode...A strange combination of giggling and crying as he typed feverishly...a pile of old socks sitting in the corner, crusty with semen....

    How did I call that one wrong? :(
  2. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    nah, i get that shit where you cant feel your arms or legs all the time.

    sometimes if im sitting down, it will feel like im not sitting on anything, like im just sitting in the air, but it's holding me up.

    weird shit...
    you were just really high dude.
  3. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    wow sound liek me except im not fat... :D
  4. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    all the waytoomabny heads, you should check my story on my dxm trip...its actually written by a person who knows how to spell grammar...its long but everyone whos read it has told it its a good read, it might make it onto the main page, but im not sure, theyve already sent me stickers for it though
  5. Degausserr x

    Degausserr x Senior Member

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    whats the name im looking for it
  6. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    OdonTheseTrees its called "the day i died"

    I might as well just post the story on here...i might have alreadywhe ni made it back in february but i forget
  7. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    Hello, my name is ****, I’m 16 years old, and this is a true story based upon February 24 in the year of 2007. Let me start off by telling you I am relatively inexperienced in the world of psychoactive drugs, hallucinogens, and “trippingâ€. On this date my friend Derek and I had planned to both ingest several cases of cough remedies containing one active ingredient, Dextromethorphan, also known as DXM, a legal hallucinogenic drug.
    Well on the morning of That cold Saturday, I called up my friend and neighbor Andrew and had him come over, we proceeded to play a few fulfilling rounds of HALO2 on Xbox Live and soon Derek came over. We went outside and smoked a cigarette each, and came back in to wake up my brother Sean, who is 19 and we needed for the ride to Walmart. So I woke Sean up and we all piled into Andrews car, and started driving.
    We first drove out to some CVS very far from home and were rather lost and found the pills we were looking for were $7 each and we needed two bottles a piece, so me and Derek decided we’d steal them but we couldn’t under the circumstances of that particular store. We checked the supermarket right next door and they didn’t have any of the right medicine, so we left.
    We ended up going to the original Walmart we planned on going to, Derek and I walked over to the medicine section and both snagged two bottles of the stuff and proceeded over to the children’s toys dept. We ripped the two bottles open and poured the pills into our pockets and left the bottles there hidden. Sean didn’t want to steal any so he left to go buy some at the front and Andrew had decided not to take them anymore but followed Sean. Derek and I walked outside and swallowed all 40 pills, he took his 5 at a time and I did them mainly singles. We went back in and found Sean and Andrew. Sean was under the impression we were going to take the 100and split them evenly so he was pissed we already did our 40 each, and he would have a dose of only 20 pills or 300mg. It was now 2PM.
    So we left and Sean took his 20 pills and we went to McDonalds were Sean got a double cheeseburger. We went back home to my house to wait for it to kick in and just chilled while Andrew played videogames. After about half hour Derek and I went upstairs to sit around listen to Pink Floyd on my iPod. We went back downstairs after about 10 minutes and I played guitar, Sean and Andrew got mad at me because Sean had to turn off his music cause the guitar “ruined it’ and Andrew couldn’t here the Xbox. Derek got up and ran to the bathroom and puked, we decided we all should because it would make up feel better.
    Sean and I went outside to throw up but either of us could, I know I’ve always had a strong stomach and he says he has too. Well before he came out I was really starting to feel it, I couldn’t get up the hill and when I finally did I fell down the entire way on my ass. Then I got up it again and couldn’t puke so I tried t come down and ran straight through a large bush and ended up inches away from him when it seemed I was miles away before I hit the bush. I then realized I was beginning to hallucinate. My dad soon came home so we all left fearing he would know what was up and ruin it.
    So we piled into Andrew’s car and drove. I have no idea where we went because the entire ride I had my head in the corner of the car with my eyes closed having extreme close eyed visuals talking to god. We ended up at the movie theatre at one point and I could feel my eyes, it felt like they were my entire body, I could feel everything around them all the air I could feel the people I saw and I could see everything clearer than possible. I climbed on top of this big ass tractor and thought I was hundreds of feet above everyone, they all pulled me off due to safety concerns but I was fine with that. We soon left that parking lot and picked up Derek’s younger brother Alek, ut not before Sean invited all ten kids to our house fro a party at 7. We now had two sober sitters and 3 people tripping like hell.
    We drove around a lot and ended up at KFC, I started laughing cause it was funny being there and they all asked me what I wanted when I said nothing they all laughed because I guess I really wanted to go there. Well we left and went into Michaels were I couldn’t really control myself and knocked over a few things. We left shortly and Alek had stolen a few things.
    After Michaels we wet to the mall to find some Weed, I guess. We drove into the parking lot and some kid was standing there, he ended up finding us a deal for 3 grams for $20, which sounded fine. Alek and I had to wait in the mall while this kid got in the car and they drove to get it. We sat there for what seemed like over 2 hours and I was freaking out and getting a huge headache. They finally came back and I got back in the car with my head in the lovely corner.
    We drove to some random CVS and Sean went and bought a wet mango blunt wrap. We then proceeded back to my house where we went upstairs and I rolled a blunt with about a gram or a gram and a half or the bud, it was not bad, a decent outdoor crop with lots of hairs and few noticeable crystals. Half way through rolling the blunt, Matt called Andrew and I was told I had to go outside to meet Matt’s father, a police officer. I immediately started freaking out because I was still tripping rather hard and thought he would notice. Alek went with me and I didn’t have to say much. After Matt came in I finished the blunt and we decided to go to a school down the street to smoke it. We left the house and started heading down the road to smoke it, it felt colder right there than I ever have in my life and my headache was beginning to split my brain in two. I had heard that on a comedown weed helped a lot so I was excited to get down to the school and spark it up. Andrew decided to go home and pick up the rest of the kids Sean had invited over because I think it was around 6PM.
    When we got down the street to Salter school, we stood behind the stairs and sparked up the blunt. The rotation went me first, then Sean, Derek, Alek and Matt. After two rotations I decided to leave cause it was making me feel really, really weird. I leaned against the wall and started having vivid close eyed hallucinations, stronger than my previous peak. Well they finished the blunt and what happened next has forever changed my life.
    From what I was told and the little I remember I began walking up the hill yelling I had to go to sleep. I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep last night and this trip was scaring the shit out of me. It was also pissing me off because I couldn’t get out of it. The weed definitely ended the comedown but shot me out of earth and I considered myself dead. As I made my way up the hill I was falling all over the place and acting very drunk, I couldn’t speak right and I couldn’t walk in a straight line or remain balanced. I basically blacked out and all I remember was a few hours later I asked where we were and we had only made it about fifty yards down the street. I later found out that was about three or four minutes not a few hours. I remember Derek and Sean were carrying me and Alek and Matt were on the left next to Derek and they were laughing. I could see only darkness and the street lights were doubled up from what they really are. That’s the only light I could see and everything was pixilated. I thought I was dead and being carried into the afterlife by angels. I snapped out of it about a minute away from the house and I started staring at Derek’s face. It was almost like a computer screen loading a large picture, it would go down his face and every time it would become clearer until finally I could see him and feel my own body. I told them to stop and Sean did but Derek was too high and I had to pull myself away from him, I started walking on my own and immediately began jumping around in happiness. I was alive! I couldn’t believe it. WE made it home and I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. It must have been a dream, but no I was really there. The past ten minutes walking down this street had lasted more than the rest of my lifetime, and I now realize I had what people call and “out of body experienceâ€.
    Soon after all those kids came over with Andrew and they began to have kind of a party in Sean’s room. I knew all the guys and one girl who had been there a few weeks earlier. They were all younger than me and it was kind of awkward, I just sat in the corner strumming away at a guitar Alek had brought in for me. The next few hours were long and meaningless, I was alive and that’s all I could think about. Matt wouldn’t shut up about some sort of cologne I apparently had promised him and didn’t have. So I spent most of the night spacing out or slapping Alek or Derek with a plastic bat I found. I also had found some Lord of the Ring’s action figures and was building them with a kid named Mikey. Eventually the party moved into the next room. But Alek Sean and I remained were we were. Alek was tired, Sean bored, and I…alone in disbelief.
    They all left soon after and I was happy, the last thing I had wanted was a ton of younger kids and their drama clogging up my end of a trip and my reevaluation on life. Derek, Alek and I decided to go across the street to Andrew’s house were Mikey and Zack were sleeping over. We watched TV and ate some food but came home soon. I went to sleep and bid goodbye to Derek and Alek, and that was the last time I saw them.
    I woke up the next day assuming it was all a dream until I talked to my father who brought up the party and Derek and Alek left an hour before I woke up. Andrew and Zach came over later to retrieve Zach’s jacket and I talked to them for a few minutes before saying goodbye. I still can’t stop thinking about yesterday, the 24th of February, when I died.
  8. Jroc1993

    Jroc1993 Elite Member

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    HO-LY FUCK MAN! that story was crazy
  9. Degausserr x

    Degausserr x Senior Member

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  10. -des-

    -des- Senior Member

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    can some one describe what a good seed looks like or post a pic because none of my new stuff is growing and the stuff i took y time to make sure would grow something dug it up! it must have smelled the lime juice
  11. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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  12. 954life

    954life Elite Member

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  13. nuf.rd

    nuf.rd Senior Member

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  14. nonamebrandeggs

    nonamebrandeggs Senior Member

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  15. jape-the-nape

    jape-the-nape Elite Member

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  16. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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  17. _Dust_

    _Dust_ Senior Member

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    i got a clear bowl with a yellow tint and when you smoke it it changes colors!!! i love it i just got it friday
  18. Degausserr x

    Degausserr x Senior Member

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    those are sick.

    i used to have a pretty clear bowl with green design through it but mainly clear

    and the more you smoked the more the clear turned blue, and eventually was totally blue

    that was until my mommy found it and broke it =[[
  19. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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  20. Degausserr x

    Degausserr x Senior Member

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    speaking of resin... have you heard the song resin?

    im listening to it now hahaha