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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. toke_wdc

    toke_wdc Elite Member

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    You can find a lot of how-to's and tons of chronic ass videos at
  2. anarchy

    anarchy Elite Member

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    The goverment makes too much money off bustin people for bud to legalize it.
  3. Degausserr x

    Degausserr x Senior Member

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    however, if the government sat and thought about it.. they could grow it all themselves and distribute it with a high tax rate, making more money off of it.

    i dont know what that would do to the prices for us consumers, it was just a thought.
  4. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    sounds like you ggot fucked up , cheers pay to to do that to my self. its how i live my life, cookin 95% of the time....

    you noobs dont under stand that smoking weed isnt what theyu tell you what its like in school. once you get blazed you gotta chill and think happy shit and it elevates your mood.
  5. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    if they legalised bud everyone would be high constantly though, it impairs you too much to drive properly...if you had every person on the highway obliverated high all teh tiem, thered be sooo much death, itd be rediculous...and their is no way to breathalise someone whos been smoking and driving...

    i think that is one of the major reasons why it cant be done, and other things like that that have to do with people under the influence of it in daily society
  6. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    Your wrong, alcohol is legal but not everyone is drunk constantly. The government wouldnt care if you died driving high, the only reason weed isnt legal is because they cant make money from it and because they have put it down way too much to just say "hey we finally realized it isnt bad for your health and now we want to make it legal".
  7. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    ^^^^^^ you are the winner!!

    its true. bud is so damn easy to grow inside and out its a weed not an exotic herb.
    un like tobacco and alcohol it can be grown or produced anywhere by yourself with out needing to move down south to grow a crop of tobbacco or buy 1000s of dollars in distilling equi[ment grow it in your closet grow it outside government cant control it so it has to be illegal.
  8. Sevn_Son

    Sevn_Son Senior Member

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    Weed would actually be alot more expensive, because the government would tax it like shit. However, it will not be legalized until the feds discovered an elaborate way to tax the many different strains-The fact of the matter is, there's way to many different kinds of bud within the states to ever manage the price correctly so that the gov. would get the most significant of funds. I doubt it'll ever happen, unless we pass prohibition laws again and it becomes an alternative to getting drunk, because within that case all different strains would be priced the same and the taxing would be somewhat reasonable simply so the government could have a nice GDP to flex.
  9. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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  10. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    Weed would actually be alot more expensive, because the government would tax it like shit. However, it will not be legalized until the feds discovered an elaborate way to tax the many different strains-The fact of the matter is, there's way to many different kinds of bud within the states to ever manage the price correctly so that the gov. would get the most significant of funds. I doubt it'll ever happen, unless we pass prohibition laws again and it becomes an alternative to getting drunk, because within that case all different strains would be priced the same and the taxing would be somewhat reasonable simply so the government could have a nice GDP to flex. [/b][/quote]
    strains dont matter its the plant. marijuna is illegal. id liek you to try an pull some bullshit on a cop."butt officer its haaaze"
  11. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,472
    • Likes Received: 1 it's not...

    there's color changing glass. come on, get with the times.

    smoked some AK and blueberry yesterday, and it was a glorious day. i also had to drive my friend home while he was puking his organs out at 2am, which was not a glorious time. he was fucked up off some bars and 151, and he smoked for the first time in half a year, cause he's on probation, so he was fucked.

    and, you CAN'T compare weed to alcohol, cause they're completely different. the government would profit more than making things wrong by legalizing it, but it's not in their best interest, so fuck them.
  12. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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    weeds the bomb diggity.
  13. C-money fresh!

    C-money fresh! Elite Member

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    im not commaring weed to alcohol.
    i was comparing how alcohol can be easily taxed and bud cant.

    but a key thing about alcohols legalization is that when you smoke you smoke to get impaired and intoxicated.

    when you drink (insome cases) your drinking for flavor or hell maybe your just thursty. keep in mind there is a legal blood/alcohol limit. its legal so old fucks can have a glass of wine at dinner and if having 1 sip of beer got you tipsy i doubt it would be legal. cuz i take one hit of my piff and i feall a wave of thc smak me in the face as i procede to smoke for hours .
  14. Mespo

    Mespo Senior Member

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  15. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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  16. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    :lol: well thats the first shit ive laughed at all day.
  17. Tagger101

    Tagger101 Senior Member

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    so is this shit like growing flowers

    or do i gotta do all the shit is say on google

    first time growing it
  18. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    germinate the seeds first..

    put them in a ziploc bag with a paper towel soaked up with water until they sprout, then plant them.

    i think thats probly one of the big mistakes people make.
  19. jape-the-nape

    jape-the-nape Elite Member

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    3$ a shroom,kinda good ,a kids selling em who i used to be good mates with in school,how much should i get for my first time around,an eighth?

    im gonna shroom with my mate,its gonna be his first time too,were just gonna take them and walk around town at around 8pm,a pack of smokes and a few joints and see where the wind takes us

    oh,and what are some characteristics i should look for ,its gonna be my first time purchasing them,and really seeing dried shrooms in person.
  20. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    they should be tinted blue. sometimes good ones are like that.

    ive had them without blue at all though =(