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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    haha well our school has those capt tests, and everyone except the sophmores get to go home at 10:15 all week, its dope as fuck! and salvo, it was my weed, and yah i know its alot but then again i have ALOT.
  2. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    "me and my boy smoked a fuckin ounce of my durban poison last nite! we were soooo blazed. ahhh. i love growing. "

    see AA, now i really dont believe you and your growing, sorry.

    honestly, if you and your 'boy' smoked an ounce of durban poison last night, youre brain would be too fried to post that... smoking a quarter of it, believable, been there, done that, but you, sorry bro, imma have to call you out.
  3. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i know people who have gone through an ounce in a night... but then again that was between 3 or 4 people... but still.
  4. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^ahhh man car2n. i thought we were friends! ok ok....i lied. it was more like 3/4 an ounce....and yah i am fucked up but that day i got busted and needed to blaze (sorry i exaggerate). but just wait till i get some flix up here. youll shit ya self.
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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  6. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    yea you need to psot flix.... you seem to have some good storys but no pics 2 back it up
  7. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^that is true and i was wonderin when sum1 would say im makin it all up. ill try to get some flix up.
  8. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    yea youve been saying that for like 3 weeks
  9. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^whats with all the accusations here?! geez.....
  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    The twin worlds of sport and weed intersected on the football field once again this summer, as Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams resigned from the NFL after a third positive test for pot.

    Williams, who broke nine team records with the Dolphins and led the NFL in rushing in 2002, told the media, "I didn't quit football because I failed a drug test, I failed a drug test because I was ready to quit football."

    Williams suffers from social-anxiety disorder and had even been a spokesman for the anti-depressant Paxil. After his failed drug test, Williams told the media that marijuana was "better for him" than Paxil because it was "just a plant," adding that he had stopped using the pharmaceutical due to its side-effects.

    Williams is by no means the first talented football player who risked his career because he appreciates good bud. Indeed, according to interviews given by Williams, marijuana use is common among NFL players. Williams claimed that most players use masking agents to pass the regular urine tests, and that the only reason he failed was that he forgot to drink the pee-cleansing potion.

    The NFL doesn't go easy on players who test positive for any banned substance. The first positive test gets a player two years of mandatory drug treatment, including up to 10 further drug tests each month. A second positive result gets the player fined their pay for four games. The third positive gets a minimum four-game suspension, and the next nets suspension for a full season.

    Players don't even need to get caught to be punished for toking up, just talking about it can be enough. One example of a player punished for being honest was Rashaan Salaam, who set a Chicago rookie record with 1,074 yards rushing in 1995. Salaam admitted to reporters in 1999 that he had started smoking pot a year earlier, when he sat out the '98 season because of a leg injury.

    "I never got caught, I never got put in the system or a drug program," Salaam complained later. "Just me coming out and telling the world that I was being honest and that I was immature and going through some issues, trying to explain to everybody that I changed my ways. By doing that, it got me kicked out of the league, basically."

    The all-weed team

    So many NFL players have been busted for pot offenses in recent years that ESPN writer DJ Gallo was able to create a mythical "All-Weed Dream Team" out of current or former All-Pros and Pro Bowl players known to be tokers.

    The All-Weed team included players such as offensive linesman Nate Newton, (formerly of the Dallas Cowboys and Carolina Panthers, six-time Pro Bowl guard, busted in 2001 for having 213 pounds of pot in his van); wide receiver Muhsin Muhammad (of the Carolina Panthers, former Pro Bowler and eight-year veteran, served jail time in 1993 for violating parole on pot charges, pleaded guilty in 2002 to charges of possession of pot and carrying a concealed weapon); and quarterback Todd Marinovich, (first round pick of the Raiders in 1991, convicted for cultivation in 1998, nicknamed Todd Marijuanavich).

    Another prominent footballer with a place on the All-Weed team is Mark Stepnoski, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys and Oilers. Stepnoski is a five-time Pro Bowl center, and while he was with the Cowboys the team won two Superbowls.

    Stepnoski retired after the 2001 season, becoming an outspoken legalization advocate and serving as president of the Texas chapter of NORML. Although he never failed a drug test, Stepnoski now admits that he enjoyed "occasional, responsible use" of marijuana during his pro career, adding "after a game you need something to relax. I'd rather smoke than take painkillers."

    Stepnoski says he passed the drug tests because players knew when the tests were scheduled. "You just quit until you take the test and that's it, you're done. It wasn't hard to quit because it's not addictive. I didn't cheat. I went in and took the test."

    Stepnoski has suffered some negative repercussions for his outspoken views on ending the war on pot. His high school reversed their decision to give him a place in their Hall of Fame because of his pot politics. Stepnoski recently moved to a place where his pro-pot attitudes will be accepted: marijuana-friendly Vancouver, BC.

    rest of the artical can be found here:

    DEVILEFK Elite Member

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  12. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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    ^ooooohhhh.......ahhhhhhhhh......nice bud shot! :)
  13. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    Tony^ that story is nothing more thna bull shit, he knows he smoked for the fun and joy in it... he jsut had a valid excuses pn why he did... nice pic
  14. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    Here is Massachusetts I buy a gram of Hydro for 10, gram of Middy's for 5, Haze goes for 25, KB goes for 10. And eighths go for ( in order of before) 40, 20, 80, 35. And so on and so forth you probably can figure out like quarter prices and shit. Anyone else share their prices where they live?
  15. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    ounce of cron like 100-125ish
  16. Atom

    Atom Senior Member

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    Thats like an ounce of middys here. Mids are not to great at all, i hope cron is
    nothing like mids.
  17. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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  18. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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  19. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    what ever you say champ. i dont really care either way, its just an artical.
  20. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    haha, aint it, who cares

    time to pack the bong, long hard day... of landscapin