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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I hear ya..

    Nothing like a friday afternoon of physical labour, to come home to a bowl with packed with hash. After this, what hash I have left I'm saving for my birthday blunt, which will also have almost a gram of pure crystals I've been saving. Should be fun.

    [Broken External Image]:
  2. Alchohlics_Anonymous

    Alchohlics_Anonymous Elite Member

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  3. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    ok im thinking about getting into growing and i was wondering what i would need to set up a nice operation. i thought i could just have dirt, a seed and some water and light. is that it or is it way more complicated?
  4. name1

    name1 Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    theres my piece, itsa dry piece but its big as fuck, and thick ass a samoan.
    custom blown for yours truely by joey g creations its got a bigass galazy bead that costs like 50 bones by itself.. i cant believe people still make things to smoke out of duckt tape and water bottels. eww.
  5. name1

    name1 Elite Member

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    u realize when people asy dro they are really saying BEASTERS. geez u kids have no shame
  6. name1

    name1 Elite Member

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    nothing worse then a forum about pot for a bunch of 15 year olds to get on and start talkin about each time they got high. and how much stress they smoke outa 10 dollar pipes and water bottel bongs
  7. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    rnt u like 12? if u live with your parents i dont recomend growing in their homes unless the are totally ok with it...
  8. bigbomba'

    bigbomba' Elite Member

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    yea i found that out the hard way^^ turns out my dad notice my "BIO PROJECT" wasnt 4 bio at all.... wow name1 3 psot in 7mins on the same thread is that a new record?
  9. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    name, i dont smoke out bottles and shit, those are old pictures of old homemades, all i hit outta now are glass, i got the pics scattered around here what glass pieces i got, i love my ccg waterbong, mmmm, just killed a bolw in it
  10. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    rnt u like 12? if u live with your parents i dont recomend growing in their homes unless the are totally ok with it... [/b][/quote]
    yeah this kid was trying to tell me he is 17, going on a creep in an hour or 2 and am here to kill some time. SMOKING WEED IS SOoOoO K3WL
  11. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    haha, who remembers when atx posted that homemade shit, haha, nigga was on the grime with that shit. I admit i had one when i first started smoking, the tin foil and ducktaped shit....times was ruff for infer backthen, yall cant deny having the homemades
  12. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    what a bitch
  13. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    How can you even front on homemades. They've got nothing on glass, but if you make them right they can be just as good, if not better than some peice that'll cost you at the headshop.

    So because of the huge storm that was going on all weekend, sunday I decided I'd bake a batch of brownies for the week. So I make these brownies more potent(by far), that what I normally do because my birthday's coming up and I want to enjoy myself. Long story short, a couple people passed out after 2, and me and my buddy had 5 each. I picked a bad day to wake up high... I'm sure all the whiskey didn't help either.
  14. Rik JamEs

    Rik JamEs Elite Member

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    i dont smoke but some girl i work with was sayin its good if you put ice in the bong
  15. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Yes sir bong & ice is great...
    Make a 2 liter pipe and shut the fuck up rich boy.
  16. name1

    name1 Elite Member

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  17. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    rnt u like 12? if u live with your parents i dont recomend growing in their homes unless the are totally ok with it... [/b][/quote]
    well me and teka are going to grow it in his crawl space. we know we need foil, va lamp (or what ever), foil, soil and about 3 seeds.

    will it be this easy or will i need way more stuff? i know it will take a month or 2 for a good plant.

    and dont doubt me. i fuckin smoke.
  18. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    You liar you never smoked weed...

    You're either lying or really stupid, sorry that tthe truth.
  19. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    there are many more things too know about growing plants
    if you are serious about growing, take the time to read this.

    depends on how nice your seeds are, and how potent you want your weed to be

    good soil is the best place too start, and knowing about ph balancing of soil helps also.

    You should attempt to find seeds from locals that are acclimated and bred for local climate and best bud characteristics.
    Potency, aroma, fast growth, early maturation, resistance to fungus and pests. All of these factors are considered by the seasoned gardener and you will benefit enormously by finding a friend to get you started on the journey that never ends...
    Attempt to find an Indica/Sativa hybrid if possible, as this will have the best high and good characteristics for indoor growth as well.
    - sativas’ are hard to grow indoors due to high light requirements, and late flowering traits

    - Look for seeds that are dark brown or light grey. Some may have dark lines inset into these colors, like tiger stripes. White, small seeds are immature and should not be planted.

    SPOT (indoors as requested)
    - The space can be a closet, a section of a bedroom, a basement area, an attic or unused bathroom. The space must be light leak proofed.
    - The space should be vented. Not too hot if using lamps.
    - Use fans from old computer cabinets, available from electronic liquidators for $5 each.
    - Dimmer swithes can be used to regulate the speed/noise of the fans. Use silicon to secure the fans to 4-6” PVC pipe pushed thru a round hole cut in the floor and ceilings. Use lots of silicon to damp the fans vibrations, so that the walls do not resonate to the fans’ ocsilations.
    Line the walls with aluminum foil, dull side out to diffuse the light and prevent hot-spots, or paint the walls bright white to reflect light. Aluminized mylar, 1 mil thick is best.($20 for 25 feet of a 4’ wide roll.)

    - A couple of shop lights will be fine if you just want to start plants inside and then take them outside to grow somewhere. Use one Cool White and one Warm Light type bulb in each to get the best light spectrum possible for plant growth. Do not use expensive Grow Lux type bulbs, as they do not put out as much light, and therefor do not work as well in most situations. If Cool White is all you can find, or afford, use them. They work fine, and are by far the cheapest.
    - Indoors, 2000 lumens per sq. ft. is about as low as you want to go indoors. If you get under this mark, plant growth will certainly not go as fast as possible, and internode/stem length will increase. Also, light distance to plants will be much more critical. Daily adjustments to the lamps will be necessary.

    - Plant size in soil is directly related to pot size. If you want the plant to grow bigger, put it in a bigger pot. Usually, ½ gallon per foot of plant is sufficient. A six foot plant would require a minimum of a 3 gallon pot. Remember, square containers have more volume in a square space (like a closet).
    Planting in the ground is always preferable when growing in soil. The plants can then grow to any size, unlimited by pot size.
    - Plant foods with PN (P2N3) are foods such as Miracle Grow. This is an excellent fertilizer for vegetative growth, or through the flowering cycle as well. Consider however, potassium nitrate is also known as Salt Peter, and is used to make men have less sexual desire or impotent, such as in mental institutions. So if certain plants are destined for cooking, you might use Fish Emulsion or some other totally organic fertilizer on these plants, at least in the last weeks of flowering.


    - Around 80-90, turn it down around flowering to 70ish, for best potency

    OH and you have to worry about sexing the plants, you only want female plants, throw out males they are useless, identify them early as possiable.
    gotta think about pests too like spider mites
    drying out the plants
    making hash with clippings is always fun

    One need not have a lot of money, or even know-how to grow good plants.
  20. _____JEKLROKS_____

    _____JEKLROKS_____ Elite Member

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    Yeah and for indoor plants keep a fan on the plants so they won't collapse under their own weight you got the rest pretty much covered, nicely done.

    Ohh yeah and keep water for long ass time in jugs and shit with plant matter and fish food for special watering, and urine helps as plants need slightly acidic soil...
    Maybe 2 shotglass of vinegar to a gallon of water do it...