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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. illin

    illin Senior Member

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    yo blunts all day here in philly. you don't even know. grape swisher swasher is real good but chocolate burns the slowest.
  2. emel

    emel Senior Member

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    YO my friend told me about this medicine called ambien that makes you trip balls but i wanna see what your opinions are if yall tried it
  3. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    i got the same scale for using when out
    it is cheap, it was like 50 bucks
  4. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    i got the same scale for using when out
    it is cheap, it was like 50 bucks
    but judging by your little stack of 20's and 5's there its clear that 50 dollars is a lot of money for you

    its a sleep aid and it doesnt make you trip balls
    if you take too much of it you just become incoherant and fuckin stupid and cant remember much the next day
    if you take a couple on an empty stomach you notice some mild hallucinations, like textures and shit melting and flowing
    one thing is for sure though, i tend to imagine people when i take it, others have had this happen too, you like imagine people that arent there, figures of people in the corner of your eyes, ghosts
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  5. Small Time Crook

    Small Time Crook Senior Member

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    it only goes back two decimal points? that's cute.
    i never had a TARE button on my scale though, it just said "zero" and it would set it back to just that. 0.0000 or whateva the fack.

    damn, i hate being dry, i just fill my lungs up with minty tar.
  6. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    ^ if you're weighing grams .000 is about 500$ please tell me you had .0000 or whateva the fack. and how could it not have a tare button.

    my scale was cheap and has a square shiny metal surface (like a mirror), with a circular digital display in the lower right corner. i'll post pics if i get around to it it looks pretty nice. it's still going strong, surprisingly.

    hmm looked it up and ambien is zolpidem. never even heard of it before i saw it on erowid. could be interesting. sounds sorta like benadryl except without the incredibly bad feeling, and except without the real crazy hallucinations. but im sure if u took enough you could have hallucinations like benadryl, and believe me that's not limited to a couple texture movements and seeing people outta ONLY the corner of your eye.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  7. Small Time Crook

    Small Time Crook Senior Member

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    mine did have a tare button, but it didn't say tare, it said "zero/on"
    and from what ive read so far it does the same ish.

    mine had a metal surface, not shiny though, i miss my fuckin' scale.. i worked hard for that fucker. it did a lot, g's, oz's, dwt's. that's why the decimal went back so far, so i could do a lot of minute work.
  8. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    checked it out and ambien hallucinations stay fairly mild. if they get anymore intense you won't remember them anyway
  9. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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    ive taken 40mg and that left me incoherent and like a mental deficient
    20mg on an empty stomach gave mild hallucinations
    i find it amazing how you can give an authoritative deduction about a drug you've never even heard of before
  10. Small Time Crook

    Small Time Crook Senior Member

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    but he read about it.

    read about it on the internet.
  11. spetzZz

    spetzZz Senior Member

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    ya i saw hypnotic sleep aid and figured it would have similiar effects to different drugs in the same class. notice what i posted after, i knew i posted wrong, but congrats on pointing it out.

    i'm guessing the italics on internet imply sarcasm? who the fuck cares if i read it on the internet the source is all that matters. valid source = valid info, and anyone in uni can distinguish a valid source. now why don't you reply to this and show you're a dumbass again, you've already done that twice on this page, and three's a charm (don't care if this ain't a correct saying either).
  12. toke_wdc

    toke_wdc Elite Member

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    Shits pretty much worthless, but you can sell it to dumbasses.
  13. Small Time Crook

    Small Time Crook Senior Member

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    if the source matters then i guess the klans official website saying they promote love and dont promote hate is all good n' true, yeah?

    if you went to erowid then good man, plus points, i trust them.

    i was dumbass about the TARE thing, i didnt know it zero'd out your numbers until i read it, my shit had the zero button, different name same flavor yeah?

    in short, the e-sarcasm was intended to tell you that for every one site you may find with "valid" facts there's probably 10 of them with invalid facts. go get yourself a book and get yo' learn on.

    im not on here to bicker with anyone, each page i visit on this site presents a chance for me to learn something, like with the TARE, i didn't know about it, i learned about it, if i say something that strokes you the wrong way (as far as jokes go), dont get all defensive and whatnot, just straight up say "that joke sucked". im a fuckin' grown ass man, ill suck it up, they aint all ringers. but, please, dont call me a dumbass when you're the one that went "click, click, click.. oh so that's how it works so [insert your conclusion here]".

    sobriety fucking blows.
  14. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  15. toke_wdc

    toke_wdc Elite Member

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  16. saucy

    saucy Senior Member

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    do any of u guys have jobs? if so had do u pass the piss test? i tried drinking a shit loads of water, should i just get someone else to pee for me and carry around a lil pouch or wut?lol
  17. bobo9827

    bobo9827 Elite Member

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  18. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    many jobs arnt so anal abotu drug tests, mine didnt even ask for my social security number...but i do work at a convenience store...
  19. La Coka Nostra

    La Coka Nostra Elite Member

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    To me, it really doesn't matter the flavor, I don't usually taste them anyways. I'd say if you're with someone who knows how to roll good, fuck a wrap and pick up a box of games or garcia vegas or dutch masters.
  20. Jason Voorhies

    Jason Voorhies Senior Member

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