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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. cast LI

    cast LI Elite Member

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    word found otu today that yesterday morning he took 6 aspirins or advils or some shit to kill the withdrawal.

    but idk this is all rumor shit, and hes still in the hospital
  2. LOPe_GCI

    LOPe_GCI Senior Member

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  3. STR-WHO

    STR-WHO Guest

    got some questions about datura, i was going to eat datura seeds, till some guy i knew ate 250 and went into a coma. How many seeds are enough to trip balls and not OD
  4. ...uhh

    ...uhh Senior Member

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    lol my plant is growing like a muthafucka...i found out what imma do with it too...thanks for the help anyway tho psy....and pics....
    [Broken External Image]:
    ^^is it stretching or normal growth?
    [Broken External Image]:
    pray for a girl guys
    ^^[Broken External Image]:
    ^^why i called it at its gimpy leaf

    any problems thus far....i dont think thier will be
  5. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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  6. sex without condoms

    sex without condoms Elite Member

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    had 17 white lightbulbs at 8:00 a.m on friday
    now i have 8 left :[
  7. kaer

    kaer Member

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    Weed hot chocolate.. Yum. Hope I didn't waste weed.
  8. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    ive never foamed from a seizure...

    but thats not that many at all not nearly enough to give u a seizure... he just probably had one and your just thinkign its because that.... 6 vics aint shit, 3 a day sence monday is barely anything thats liek doing and 80mg oxy spread out over a week....
  9. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    just smoked a bowl of some piff i picked up today.
    a half an hour after i finished the bowl, i found myself doing the dishes.
    jesus, just like E said, chores become potentially fun
  10. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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  11. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    my place looks like a dentists office its soo clean from being high!
  12. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    im goin down to florida tomorrow morning for spring break. the friend im going with picked up a half of some fire yesterday, and im buyin some when i get down there. shit's gonna be off the fucking chain. i need some alc though
  13. cast LI

    cast LI Elite Member

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    word thanks for the feedback on all this

    i'll find out what actually happened tomorow morning

    i do know that him and like 10 other kids goot booted out of the school for a big dealing ring. and they found out all the kids they sold too over the past 3 years and making them all go to rehab. its a fuckin stupid school.
  14. sham->

    sham-> Senior Member

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    ahhh, its only been a few months ive been blazin, and my lifes been a helluv alot easier...of course at the end of the day i have to ask my friends to tell me what the teacher said in class, and the week goes by alot slower, Im pretty chill through all of it...

    and when i take time to get, uuh, lifted ;), i always try not to be lazy and usually skate or paint after...

    and smoking mostly at my friends house on weekends keeps me from bein a major dank head...
  15. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    back with another noob question.

    what is resin?
  16. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    ^it can be the black crap left in pipes and stuff after smoking or it can be (when u have fresh plants) the stuff that they make hash out of (like the stuff that would be on ur hands if you were to grab a fresh bud)

    noob question #2: in india ppl fry weed (basically--weed and onions fried in gram flour) and it gets them high...does the oil work as a fatty substance or something else?
  17. conart

    conart Senior Member

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    liquid acid.....

    what the fuck!
  18. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    i dont know of anyone ever doing that but theres one way to find out

    fry some up!
  19. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    ^haha, im going to India in 2 days anyway and for a wedding (so lots of weird food) uncles are potheads so Ill tell you how it goes
  20. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    ive heard of hash oil, but ive never actually had it. i guess it depends on wat oil they use for the weed, since u have to have a good amount of fat within the oil for it to absorb the THC