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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. alienchild123

    alienchild123 Senior Member

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    Covesall is biutamin?
  2. *cept*

    *cept* Senior Member

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    south orange county, cali
  3. *cept*

    *cept* Senior Member

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    ^^my anti drug.
  4. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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    is it me or does blue pen ink fade
  5. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    depends on what your mix is like, mine seems to be holding up
  6. toys!

    toys! Senior Member

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    I don’t wanna start no e beef shit cause that’s retarded leave it for the walls but I have sat there and watched city clean up crews go over homemade ink with dot three and methylene blue, India ink straight, otr flowpen ink, krink bleed through and do em dirty and all of them have been buffed. My area just cracked down on boxes after a news paper article and now we have a city funded crew to buff Canada post shit and stuff in my area and no matter what you use they will buff it. I'm not even trying to start beef all I’m saying is if in your area your shit gets buffed by people with determination it will be gone no matter what you use. Furthermore there is a new business in Toronto called gone with graffiti or something that. If a business has graffiti on it they hire them to get rid of shit and if they pant over it and it leaves a ghost they have to come back and get rid of it. They have gotten pretty big since the by-law that made it illegal to have graffiti on your store now not like that’s gunna do shit.
  7. The_NaMEz_BaNKz

    The_NaMEz_BaNKz Elite Member

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    wow...illigal to have graffiti on your store wtf ?..if i want it there ima leave it theres its my store i pay for the rent ...

    but yea my blue pen ink fades too....
  8. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    (@ Toys!)

    Thats why sooner or later it doesn't matter how hard to buff or staining your stuff is, it just eventually comes down to quantity over quality. They will always end up buffing the stuff, so just go back and tag it again.
    Its a war that will never be over. You just gotta try and outlast them and hope they get tired of always buffing your stuff. If you do use a hard to buff ink they will likely get frustrated quicker because it gives them a little bit more work to do that easier to buff stuff.
  9. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    thats what ive been saying, and thats why i like to use acrylic.. lol
  10. toys!

    toys! Senior Member

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    Yeah man if you have graffiti on your store it has to be gone in 72 hours or the city sends out its own people a 500 dollar bill for removing it and a fine of like 200 bucks for not getting rid of it. Its really fucked but there not enforcing it really.
  11. Flash_One

    Flash_One Elite Member

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    what is the point of adding aluminum dust to your ghetto krink and what are some other good additives for it except dot 3 since thats strictly for inks...
  12. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    ^ pretty mcuh none. u cna add pearl x if u want it to glimmer like 1000 suns
  13. Flash_One

    Flash_One Elite Member

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    i threw some japan drier in it would that due anything to improve it?
  14. Wallace

    Wallace Elite Member

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    fucking a its too cold out tonight so my ink just swells
  15. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    yeah, thank god its warming up now

    but if thats your problem, use paint... hahaha
  16. Wallace

    Wallace Elite Member

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    i went for a jog and decided to take a zig with me, should of taken a mop with some paint >.<
  17. lordloss

    lordloss Senior Member

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    ok people ink is the simplest stuff in graffiti ok put in and some alchol in a bottel wa bam so stop complaning
  18. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    it could also be one of the hardest things, with all the diff mixes and stuff

    but yeah, i didnt know people tagged with just alcohol ..... ;)
  19. Wallace

    Wallace Elite Member

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    just add some dot3 to it and you're set ;)
  20. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    hettin is WRONG

    thiers ALOT u can add.

    well not really add.

    but just straight up change.