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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. Case-One

    Case-One Senior Member

    • Messages: 375
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    i find it funny that theres three questions on here about INK and 33 pages of you kids getting in fights about kids asking questions that this thred was made for, so just relax and don't pee your pants over a post about a dumb question, i asked a few questions that were already anwsered in other post that i had no clue about, so i'm sorry you kids got so mad about it that you had to reach over and post about how stupid i am, peace
  2. fonone

    fonone Senior Member

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    and the same useless comments^^
  3. Yuckasfuck

    Yuckasfuck Senior Member

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    Ink anyone?

    Someone posted that goof off was alcohol etc, was wondering if you could use it with biro's to extract the ink.
    Anyone tried it?
    Also, could it not be used as a thinner?
    If anyone has any, could they post the ingredients?
  4. Jet

    Jet Elite Member

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    goo off isn't about to thin anything, you ever seen how thick it is?
  5. snap_pxc

    snap_pxc Senior Member

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    The only ink you will ever need:

    Get 50 bic roundstick pens, I use red and blue with a couple black for a really nice deep purple.

    pump all of the ink out of the pens with a bike pump into a bottle.

    cut all the pens (the part that HAD the ink) into small pieces and drop them into another bottle.

    add a cup of alcohol (91% isopropel is ok but u can find 99% out there.) to the bottle with the pen pieces and shake the fuck out of it for say 2 minutes.

    then dump that into the bottle with the ink base in it, shake the fuck out of that bottle for a few minutes.

    throw some additives in there, I added some ashes (make sure they are burned as much as they will) to thicken it, and then I added a couple drops of super glue to help it dry quicker.

    Ink drips nice if u want and it stains like a motherfucker.

    jst dont get it on ANYTHING this ink ruins what ever it touches, including the nanolieum floor:(
  6. Yuckasfuck

    Yuckasfuck Senior Member

    • Messages: 259
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    Super glue lol.

    Na jet i've never seen it, what's in it? lol
  7. The_NaMEz_BaNKz

    The_NaMEz_BaNKz Elite Member

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    that super glue idea is preety smart....i wanna find the green ink pens must be a nice dark green colorr
  8. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    Super glue won't help your ink, but whatever. I don't care what you do, it's not my ink.

    And goof off isn't what I would call a quality base, it's a mix of a bunch of different bases, which in my opinion makes an un-pure base.
  9. con

    con Senior Member

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    my fucking ink is see through how do u make it darker

    HEY.LOOK.AT.ME Member

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    take the lid off n let it sit at ur window 4 a few days
    maybe even a week or 2 if its as thin as u say it is
  11. The_NaMEz_BaNKz

    The_NaMEz_BaNKz Elite Member

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    Lmfao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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    So you just told us how to make basic pen ink. Which is in the stickied recipe thread, and all of us know how to make.
    50 pens to 1 cup of isopropyl is pretty weak. Try 100+ pens to 1 cup.
    You don't need the bike pump, just let the tubes soak in the alcohol overnight then shake it.
    The only "special" thing you mention is superglue. Which is a dumb idea because it would most likely mess with the staining power of the ink. Isopropanol evaporates fast enough. Add some DOT3 to make it greasy, which slows the drying time slightly, so the solvent dyes in the pen ink can stain the surface. The superglue would most likely prevent the dyes from staining the surface because they would dry on the surface instead.
    Besides superglue can be weakened with soap and water, thats why they tell you on the back of the packaging to use soap and water if you glue your fingers together.

    PS. Its LINOLEUM not "nanolieum" genius

    @Con: what kind of ink did you make? If its pen ink then you used way too much alcohol or way too few pens. Add ashes (from paper or cigarettes or the fireplace) to thicken, or very very finely crushed charcoal.
  13. Rambooboo

    Rambooboo Senior Member

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    tried leaven my ink in the window it didnt work neither did ash anything else
  14. acereborn

    acereborn Elite Member

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    try waiting longer... or make new ink..
  15. Moderator

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    some one figure out how mark well makes their ish. so impressed buy that shit.
  16. MUSEone

    MUSEone Elite Member

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    please......PLEASE....tell me....ur kidding
  17. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    I posted it like 3 pages back Sir.
  18. Moderator

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    step bi step needed.
  19. Rogue

    Rogue Guest

    To make MarkWell/MTN/Posterman paint.

    Now, you can always just thin acrylic paint with water, but that will reduc the opacity of the paint.

    Acrylic paint is acrylic polymer emulsion mixed with pigment.

    The more polymer emulsion, the thinner your mix will be.

    First take about 3/4 pigment to 1/4 water or 1/2 pigment to 1/2 water. Mix them together.

    Next add as much acrylic emulsion as needed to make it your desired consistency.

    It's very basic really, you shouldn't have a problem.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2008
  20. Moderator

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    where can i get the emulsion and the pigment?