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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    My boy once told me he used nail polish in a mop. Has anyone else tried this? It comes in some crazy colors and I would only imagine that the usual buff agents used wouldn't quite work on it.

    BLACKLISTED Senior Member

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    nail polish is acetone based. so if its buffed with acetone it will get raped. and plus its way too think for a mop, and once you thin it out its not very opaque at all.
  3. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    My bad... I never tried it, so I wouldn't know, but it was worth asking.

    BLACKLISTED Senior Member

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    no problemo hombre
    always glad to help a fellow writer out.
  5. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    Actually nailpolish seems like a pretty good idea LOL
    I mean @blacklisted if you get any alcohol ink like pen ink for example, it's not easily buffed with alcohol.
  6. bountyhunter113

    bountyhunter113 Elite Member

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    well, nail polish is a lacquer, it contains film forming agents, resins and plasticizers, solvents, and coloring agents. It also has great adhesive properties and ultraviolet stabilizers (benozophenone-1).

    list of ingredients:

    imo, you could use nail polish, just experiment
  7. Facedorateur

    Facedorateur Senior Member

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    so, could you add black nail polish to your alcohol based ink?
  8. what4joke...

    what4joke... Senior Member

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    yo, this kid at school said to make ink he did

    10 red pens
    1 red lipstick
    half rubbing alchohal
    and half dot3

  9. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    ahha half dot3, good luck with that EVER drying
  10. Squibsorz

    Squibsorz Senior Member

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    anyone know where to get Flowpen refills? or is that new .400 Ink refill that BS is offering the same ink as in the flowpen?
  11. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    sounds like the ink from heaven.

    drys hard. adheres good. fade resistant.

    since it to thick.

    hello eye dropper =]
  12. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    yea ive messed with nail polish before, idk its kinda wierd, but i guess you could mix it half half with some thin ink and it might help with fade resistance
  13. MARTYRaz

    MARTYRaz Banned

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    fuck flowpen ink....just get a new nib and thow some other shit in there....anything but flow pen ink....shits garbage
  14. Squibsorz

    Squibsorz Senior Member

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    aight cool. i was thinking about getting some oink ink, maybe mix it with some garvey or marsh. might also try some DED and them badass colors of the smash ink.
  15. what4joke...

    what4joke... Senior Member

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    DED is niceee. not silver tho
  16. ??????????????????????

    ?????????????????????? Member

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    im doing the pen ink in iso again tonight, got the recipe on the first page awhile ago so dope bro the colour is intense and strong, i got a couple questions i really dont wanna look through the whole thread.

    1. whats a good substitute for dot3?
    2. Can you use red pens? ( dont see why you couldnt but i havent seen it on here before so .. )
    3. If you can use say 75 red 25 black or vice versa would the colours be consistent or would it just look better solid black or solid red.

    ive seen zombie ink before and the red/black tint is sick shit id order some but im broke and i usually make my own shit
  17. ??????????????????????

    ?????????????????????? Member

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    oh and one more thing i live right beside a dollar store and they got cheap ass pens like dirt cheap no name/never heard of shit would i be better off spending a couple bucks extra for better pens.. is there any difference of the inks inside?... im guessing cheaper ones would be slightly worse but im guessing most cheaper pen ink in general is similar or the same, ive been using papermates for the last couple brews and all is well but im just curious. sorry for the double post
  18. respERATION

    respERATION Banned

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    i use cheap ones....just dropped some ink on my pc tower.....fucking stained the shit out of it :/

    btw guys....whats that pearlecent shit called?....i went in my local art shop the other day...but i forgot what it was called :S..
  19. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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  20. respERATION

    respERATION Banned

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    is that the brand name??

    cause we won;t have the same brand name over here