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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. Siner

    Siner Senior Member

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    don't worry dude, you weren't being a douche, so what your saying is if i want to mix ink, i should mix acetone with oil based paint and not add any dot 3, also i was planning on putting it in a marker, not a mop, will it work in a marker. also should i add anything else to make it more permanant, thanx for your help!
  2. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    no. that would be paint.
    tremclad is PAINT

    ink just means its thin enough to flow through a marker, and usually insk have more dyes than pigments, unless its a pigmented ink.

    and dont ever add dot3 to paint,
  3. noxi

    noxi Elite Member

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    dont put it in a marker. It wont work well unless you thinned it a lot. But thinning a lot can make it less opaque and transparent and ugly.
  4. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    so i should or shouldnt add black pigment
  5. cormac

    cormac Senior Member

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    just use spirit soluble dyes that are light fast look around the net they should be easy enough to find :)

    new formula red and blue overkill ink coming soon
  6. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    well what the hell, the whole time ive been on this thread people are always talking about how much you need pigment, and now hetts all like nah man, fuck pigment it only makes it worse. oh my god this is con fusing, so if i put black pigment in my pen ink recipe, itll make the dyes fade quicer

    yo explain this hett your all back and forth
    first your like black pigment absorbs light which is bad and then the next sentence you say pigment makes it good for anywhere. are you saying i cant have stain and lightfastness??
  7. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    no im not sayign fuck pigment, im all for pigment, but you gotta know how to add it, you cant just dump it in, you have to use some resin or some other binder to make sure they stay in there.
    and yea black absorbs light which makes things fade faster, but without pigment its still black ink so its teh same...
  8. springbreak95

    springbreak95 Senior Member

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    i am stoked with this ink i made
    2 cups den. alc
    1 bottle fieblings black leather dye
    475 black pens
    1 bottle pilot black ink
    3 table spoons lamp black powder
    ash from 1 cigarette
    1 1/2 bottles ick away (for malachite green)
    and a splash of Don Knotts piss

    is there anything i am missing? or will i just get the "do more work response?"
  9. ReKoNe~!

    ReKoNe~! Banned

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    add 2 cups of horse semen and a pinch of basil
    will make your retarded ink even more retarded
  10. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    Did you add the small small pilot ink?
  11. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    define resin like acacia gum??
  12. urmomsayshi

    urmomsayshi Senior Member

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    i dont get some of these kids on here... whats so hard about understanding the diff between ink and paint!? Dont add dot3 to ur paint!!! It is only meant for inks...
    quick q... from what i understand acetone and chemicals like it can be used to clean paint and even some inks. So than how come inks are acetone based? wud it not juss make it weaker?
  13. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    take out the ash from the cigs, and for the malachite green, id boil or let it evaporate for a little, then add it, that way its just as

    and tinytim- not sure, im still looking into that myself, its pretty hard to find a good binder for alcohol inks, which is usually why most pigmented inks are xylene or some other base. but ill get back to you.
    gum acaia aka gum arabic is for watercolors, so im not sure how well that would work, i have some myself and im still seeign whats up with it
  14. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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  15. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    lawlzz and paint based ink
  16. Vagrant

    Vagrant Elite Member

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  17. senkz

    senkz Guest

    dot 3 brake fluid manufacturers should just put a label on the bottle saying "keep away from toys, not for use in paint r-tard"
  18. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    B cuz ur so pr0 rite?!?


    So I just emptied some paint on a glue pen mop (spray paint)
    And fuck it's so perfect has anyone else done this?
    And the finished product is just so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh perfect.
  19. what4joke...

    what4joke... Senior Member

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  20. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    what do you mean empty it on the marker?
    do you mean to liek use teh paint?