nah thats what im sayn, i mixed a small batch of ground blonde shellac flakes w denatured alc, n then added my carbon. theyre still dissolving im pretty sure because that was earlier today but rn my ink is mad muddy n shit smh, been looking thru these forums for a while tryna get a good recipe
Have you already been to this thread?
Ok, wasn't sure so figured I'd ask just in case. Haven't tried adding carbon yet to mine but was thinking about giving it a shot
Okay so with carbon either you need a binder, which basically makes a paint or you need to use the purple tattoo artist's carbon paper.
ngl you're pretty much making india ink. I can't attach links but just google "Make india ink shellac" and the first result. just sub water for alc
good good good .... In fact I don't know where to start .... Come on, I'm going. 543 pages for ink recipes and half of the recipes, not to say 3/4 are to be thrown in the trash. But rest assured, everything is going very well .. I understand the weariness of some when faced with the same questions that keep coming back. He goes around in circles. In fact, people ask questions but don't read the pages. So there is no point in having 543 pages. For my part, I admit that I am sorry to find that so few people know about ink. (some don't even know the difference between ink and paint). (Or those who mix white spirit and alcohol, etc, etc ...) Of course it would have been better to create different themes depending on the inks because everything is mixed. I patiently read a number of recipes before speaking. And you know what? 2 pigments are most often used for alcohol inks. methylene blue and potassium permanganate. Where have the other pigments gone? The black, the red ????? Knowing that there are several pigments per color. This is where you need to start when you want to make your ink. By pigments. Otherwise, they wouldn't sell it in stores to boost the inks. It is that it is useful. I'll wait and see if people come up with some pigments ...
I don't speak french sorry, potassium permaganate isn't a pigment. Pigments are used in paints, like titanium oxide (white), carbon black, prussian blue. Throw in a copolymer and solvent and you make a "paint". Dye stuffs are, like methyl violet, malachite green, methyl blue, methyl orange, safrin, they are used in "Ink". You're gonna have to do your own research into them, shit is not fun haha.
Thank you for the answer, you are right in your explanation. I already have all the possible dyes for my inks, it is especially for the others that it is useful ...
i just want a solid homebrew ink recipe thats flows well. i dont even care about it being buff-proof at this point. methyl violet + shellac + denatured alc is what im gonna try next i guess, unless anyone has a better suggestion lol
Yep that's a good mix for sure. Only need a couple grams per 100ml of alc. You don't need shellac, but I am curious on how it could affect the adhesion and drips with the ink. It might make it a lot better, because the alc sucks at dripping, its ugly as shit and the ink uses its staining power to try and adhere to a surface, so adding shellac could help it adhere better.
I go to an art school, what supplies can I use? My school basically has all art supplies. I use alcohol based ink, but I can brew up an oil base
back then i used black speedball ink, a couple sprays aerosol black flat krylon,rustos.etc,rubbing alcohol, kiwi or griffin shoe dye a screw or little nut,bolt some dot 3 brake fluid and ya got a mop to rok the mic when the earth shakes.