plus i gave the uses for the other 3 additives, and not the acid or bitumen, so you still needed those. anyways. as i said before i don't know the answer to that, wait for rogue
Coversall's bitumen based, that should give you an idea of what it might do. And hydrochloric acid can do a lot of things both for ink and paint, look at the chemistry of what ur mixin n u might see what i mean. It can cause rust though but for some reason Rogue said to me it wouldnt work n blah blah blah blah blah, try stuff out and see what can happen.
so basicly adding bitumen to gk would make it REALY weatherproof and i could write on wet surfaces? wouldnt that make it realy thick and hard to come out of the nib?
depends on if the meth blue is powder or liquid and on how this you want the pen ink. if the meth blue is powder add it in small amounts cause if you use too much it will collect on the bottom and be wasted. If it's liquid you can add as much as you want. as for the dye the more you add, the thicker it'll be.
ok i researched on gentian violet and i went to my local cvs and asked the lady and she pointed to this shit its some mexico stuff called "aceite de ricino" but i dont think its the right stuff because it says castor oil is this any good? or did i waste money on buying it?
Yes. BUT, look at this (I translated it the best I could while still having it keep basic sense) Finally, the ricino oil is a product that comprises of the manufacture of plastics, lacquers, paintings, lubricants and cosmetics.
Not really but it is used to make paint so if you ever get some pigments it can be used almost like linseed oil.
I am pretty sure bitumen is tar... I think that is what is in the OTR Cold Sweat and that is supposed to be tar based... I guess it just might help cover and help with opaqueness...
just take off the sponge......clean the boottle and youll see were it separates.......and pull it off
Hydro Acid will help your paint last longer, it's very corrosive and eats into surfaces. Butimen will help the opacity and make it nice and thick. It is liquid tar basically, and would only be good in black.
Rogue, post up some pics of that pigs blood additive. I wanna see some action shots of it in some ink.
I don't put it in ink.... I use it straight..... I need to get myself some more blood, I love the stuff. I think I'm the only ***** using blood, you should get down with it sintakz.
I was gonna get down with it but I just gotta find a decent supplier of blood. I was thinking maybe go around to supermarkets and asking the butchers.