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The Intermediate Thread

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by (SoS)Viruz, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. kringe

    kringe Senior Member

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    Yeah, that was my first attempt at that style actually, and it was all freestyled. When I get down and actually sketch it all out in my book, a lot of the fuck ups should disappear, and I think that it'll come out a lot better. I also have a few ideas for edits to each letter, so that should fix a lot of stuff too. Thanks for the crits man. Any updates of your shit?
    Also, finally starting to paint more, which is a plus :D

    Edit: Easer, I really like that style, and I'm normally not a fan of shit with really thin bars, but you pull it off good. Although, the A seems a little weird. It's the only letter that is basically straight up and down. Throw a bend into each vertical bar to flair it out, and it would fit in better with the rest of the letters, in my opinion. Also, a red/orange fill and some drop shadow would set it off.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  2. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    not quite sure what random extensions?
    very few extensions on the freestyles. and every extension on the others are symmetrical and/or even and have a destination in which its going.
    the black and white piece looks like alot of random, but says esker on the top and alaska on the bottom.
    but thanks for the crits man
  3. DukeOne

    DukeOne Moderator

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    Quick tattoo script I drew up for someone

    "Stop being a prisoner of your past, and become the architect of your future."

  4. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    yep... a piece of paper has 0 ohms......

    duke that looks real clean, as usual... but i just like the idea of the quote, itd be a good tatt
  5. feser

    feser Member

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    i think that your sketches were much better if you didn't draw that senseless little bars that join the letters together.
  6. BlacktodaFuture

    BlacktodaFuture Elite Member

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    i posted something, got deleted. assuming bc it didnt belong. send message in inbox if it didnt.
  7. -Wings-

    -Wings- Senior Member

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    Sorry I tried to get it all, just kinda missed this one.
    I like the structure and flow of the letters, but I know you probably see this coming. Your letters a tad bit to thin, thicken them up with the same letter structure and that shit should be on point.

    && Atomik, regarding your comment in the blackbooks thread. Your calling me an idiot, yet you have nothing to back yourself up with. Your excuse was that you finished that one yesterday? ..How may I ask is that relevant?
    If you got an issue battle me, ill glady take you ;)!

    Oh yea duke, mind hookin up me with a detailed Seyor? Been looking for something for a tattoo. Ill hook ya up with a piece of throwie, whatever ya like. ;D
  8. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    Respect Duke's font lol

    That is awesome man! Where is he getting the tatt at?(ForeArm?)
    (I drew this up for my homie and he is getting it tatted on his upper arm I believe)


    • Messages: 430
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    duke is easilly one of the most artistic people on this site, good shit
  10. seywhat

    seywhat Elite Member

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    View attachment 577216
    missed the battle, lemme get some crits homies

    mogan- shits clean, what exactly does it say though?
    duke- ill shit as always
    easer- i like that alot, besides whats already been said, big ups to the hiero!
    fesr- looks solid, keep workin wit those letters
    esk- maybe tone the extras down just a bit, good shit overall though
  11. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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  12. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    (Tross) Color Pencil and pen...
  13. luvsac

    luvsac Senior Member

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    dont make the right leg of the R cover the left one and dont connect the bottom left area of the S
  14. MERTAone

    MERTAone Senior Member

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  15. luvsac

    luvsac Senior Member

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    hell yeah, love that show. once you get letters down you'll be killin it, ur characters are sick
  16. -Wings-

    -Wings- Senior Member

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    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  17. LeaksOne

    LeaksOne Elite Member

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    wings that first throw says seyoy

    redeyes your A is the only decent letter. the V and L look forced and wonky
  18. -Wings-

    -Wings- Senior Member

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    Thats a lower case r. Was supose to look similiar to the y. I can see how they look the same tho :/.. Ohwell cant be bothered.
  19. seywhat

    seywhat Elite Member

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    bump for some crits on letters and dynomutt lol

    merta- im not feelin the a, and some of the drastic width changes. keep workin with all them diff styles you got though for sure
    seyor- solid throws, wheres the pieces at homie?
  20. RedEyes

    RedEyes Elite Member

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    Mogan- Im liken that shit, i suggest changing that last S to something similar to the first one. and dont hide the O so much.
    Sey- The lean on the S throws it off, and i dont like how you put n the corners through the letters, a few here and there are cool effects but i think you over did it.