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The Intermediate Thread

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by (SoS)Viruz, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. ZETA

    ZETA Senior Member

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    Nemor, sick. I love the ones that are real straight. Like the one on the side of that box? I dunno, but that styles real nice and BAM. I like what you do inside the letters too, nothing to complex, but still sick.
  2. Goofy_Wan

    Goofy_Wan Member

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    Aye agreed man, looking back over them the straight letters are fresh. Nice one Nemor.
  3. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    nah, I'm just gonna remove it from the other thred, because by god this is NOT TOY! IT IS NOT TOY I SAY !
  4. SynOne

    SynOne Senior Member

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    Ribcage, digging the Perish.
  5. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    i remember a day when my post woulda got deleted from here instead of toy bb lol... but its all good thanks

    and yea i like doin straight letters cuz theyre easier to paint and keep proportions nice and clean.. a straight with a little style beats a piece without structure any day

    new page bump...
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  6. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    Aye, Zook. It's cool to see that you're still doing your own thing. But you should probably learn how letters work and where you should have thick bars and where you should do the skinny bars. It keeps the letters from 'standing' on their own, you know what I mean?
  7. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    i like when my letters can stand on their own dont u? thats what straights are all about i think... be more specific about me not knowing how letters work lol theres lots of thick and thin bars which ones are fuckin me up?
  8. PETER

    PETER Elite Member

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    zook: That face in your throw is grimey. I'm really feeling the blue straight on top of the orange. I do have a gripe with the E on the one on the front of that box. I feel like the top right of the E should be sharper.... I'm diggin' your style a lot.
  9. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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  10. Zookyook

    Zookyook Elite Member

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    thanks hah and yea i noticed that too... woulda matched the R a lot better... also i put the highlights on the wrong side of my letters on that one lol i was taking out frustration on my ex by going over her name which is under that.... fuckin cunt

    that throw is clean perish id change the P and R somehow... maybe put a chunk in the upper left of the P more like (lo) but upside down and backwards hah and u could almost do the same thing to make a lowercase r and just not put a hole in it and theyd match up real nice
  11. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    just a quick exchange throw. Lol "maybe put a chunk in the upper left of the P more like (lo) but upside down and backwards" you have officially confused my brain
  12. PETER

    PETER Elite Member

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    Scank: Personally I'm not feeling that red "splatter/drip" at all with the color scheme you have going on. I like the break in the hear a lot. A suggestion would be sharpen up some of your highlights. Some of them end super thick or cover way into the outline. Of the pieces I've seen from you this is one of my favorites as far as letters are concerned.
  13. Stuck

    Stuck Elite Member

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  14. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    That Tezer is the best piece you've ever done, letter-wise. Except the base leg of your R should be just a tad bit thicker. If you cleaned that up and added a nice funky fill and a couple of extensions, you'd have a straight burner.
  15. sema

    sema Senior Member

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    stuck- exchanges lookin nice lemmie know if u wanna xchange later
    old flick bump for crits
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2011
  16. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    thotz. no posting flicks in the intermediate thread for you yet. sorry.
    sema, I'd go easy on those letter tops. a little too crazy there if you ask me. but in general your letters are fine.
    stuck, you got some good stuff going on, but your sloppiness ruins it all. I can't find one clean line man. work on that.
    ribcage, solid toss, my 2 cents are I think the P would look better with a shorter stem and a fatter head. and im hating the movement on the right bar of the H, but that might just be me
    zookyook, eyegasm. though I reckon the throws are illegible. had I not known what you write, I would've never been able to tell what letter's what
  17. FlippingChickens

    FlippingChickens Banned

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    zook - i think all the straights need work on bar proportion as phil said, the best one id say is the blue one on top of the wack orange one , its real nice but that "r" kicking up like that looks awkward, it can also be mistaken for an "h" or "a" ..First one is actually the best one but i wouldn't have done that extension on the bottom of the "N" and i would thicken the bottom of the "e" to the same thickness as the other letters, and not making the top part of the "e" circular

    stuck - that doesn't look that sloppy,only part that looks bad is the white highlight on the bottom of the "r" and "t" .. I wouldn't change a thing about that 'tezer" except that "r" being thicker as phil mentioned..on the "sloter" the "t" and "o" i don't really like at all

    acer - give that "c" more character ,i also agree with what phat said. nice coloring.

    perish - try what phat said , also that hand is too simple. I mean its not bad,but just saying u show throw some steez in there

    ateyou - thanks for the crits , i do think you belong here, i think the "t" and "e" need work , the rest of the letters look solid and flow nicely.

    Bump from last page,just a quick 10 minute sketch. Funny the dude on the last page said i should have taken the top of the "e" off and let the "F" do the work, i was actually going to leave it that way,but changed it just fucking around

    [Broken External Image]:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  18. scissorcrotch2

    scissorcrotch2 Member

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  19. Jiska Matos

    Jiska Matos Senior Member

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  20. extinct

    extinct Senior Member

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    why did you delete my post ye goof
    nemor exchange?
    brains- im waitin on that exchange homie
    everybody- good shit...
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2011