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The Intermediate Thread

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by (SoS)Viruz, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    mori, you a hater... but your opinion will be taken into consideration.

    yo intermediate thread regulars, I need a jury on my piece (the one mori quoted up there) and tasty's flick right above me here while you're at it

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    both not intermediate. yours is a lot closer though. It appears you have decent can control even though this one aint up to par when it comes to you, and if you would have just done those letters with no extensions and add ons and what not, and just kept the base of the letters simple, then it would have looked much better. Definetly would have to cut your boy's character out that bitch too.

    tasty no matter how many times u post that sketch it aint gonna cut it. your piece is like when simple goes overboard. Your forcing extensions and bar bends in places that shouldnt have bends and extensions. The A has 5 extensions making it totally off balance. The N's middle bar is completely retarded, it starts straight and then half way bends awkwardly into the right bar...what is that? Youd think that extension happyness was cause u wanted to kill negative space, but u left a big gap where the N is. The E has an extension on the bottom that goes to nowhere and the top bar has another one of those strange bends.
  3. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    Tasty ima start with what u do have down: You have a decent idea of what to do with the 3d shadowing it looks legit. You have clean "Confident" lines to some extent. You filled your piece in nice and simple and quick.
    But now my question is do you like how your piece looks?? Do you like that style that you have? When I look at your piece I think that it has potential but looks boring IMO. Here is why I think this. It comes off looking very flat like a CONOCO Gas station logo
    Now in the long run u could possibly make this style look dope if you execute it properly but You would have to make it super clean and semetrical, Meaning that all the letters must maneuver properly to help one another create the piece as whole well balanced piece.
    But on the other hand like I was saying imo the style is pretty flat and not really what I like to see. I would suggest messing with or adjusting the bar widths of your pieces to kill negative space and to also help create flow, rather than just swirling the ends of the bars up in a curve to do it.
    I think a good example of an Writer that does a great job at bending and adjusting the letters bar widths to create that dope flow is "Ewok" MSK
    Look at how the Ends of his letters get super fat and the middle bends and is fairly thin this helps alot with the flow in his style.
    This is just all in my opinion though!
    Peace and stay fly guy
  4. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    Thanks for the comments. Honestly, I don't see myself as intermediate, I posted here so I could get some help, because I feel as though I've hit a "roadblock" in terms of development of my style. Regarding what rib said, I do add some of the extensions with the sole purpose of filling space, so you are right in that sense. However, I believe the letters look too bland without the bends, and I feel as though it flows better with them. And mone, I don't mind my style, but I want to progress more into more complicated stuff like that ewok flick. And ive tried messing around wiyh bar widths, just never quite sure what you meant by it. It's kinda clearer now, so I'll take my interpretation and try to play with it a bit sometime tomorrow. Once again , thank you (directed more towards mone)
  5. buttqueef

    buttqueef Senior Member

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    @ Tasty: im pretty sure this is what MONE ment by fuckin around with your letter widths...all of the bars on your letters are the same size, even where you start each extension is the same size...i feel like if you cut out some of the unnecessary bends and messed around with the width like in this pic it would really help you a lot helpin a nigguh out.jpg
  6. Somie256

    Somie256 Member

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    Whered my work go?.. o_O

    Just wondering, i posted a day or two ago and now its nowhere. props to everyone in this thread though, mad nice work.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2012
  7. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    if your work is no longer in this thread, it means it has been deleted by a moderator, because you are not yet considered intermediate
  8. Somie256

    Somie256 Member

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    Okay cool, thanks man. I figured that, just wanted confirmation.

    Any way i could "prove" myself or should i just post in the toy thread until i move up?
  9. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    lol, so true. but seriously, i think maybe you should stay in the toy thread for a bit, sharpen your skills, and lay some knowledge on some cats.
  10. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    prove yourself by building your skills up hahah. until then toy blackbook thread for you.
  11. Somie256

    Somie256 Member

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    Straight, will do. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    Lol, no. Your forcing these bends and then thinking they flow? They dont, and without a lot of those bends your letters will most likely flow better. Even Gane commented on how you have unnecessary bends in places where your bars just shouldnt bend. Your goal should be to have smooth transitions from bar to bar, instead of putting weird bends and extensions to try and force flow
  13. MoganOne

    MoganOne Moderator

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    @Tasty what Gane and I have displayed should help set u in the right direction we can only help so much tho my dude lol.
    Had to move quick for this one the train was active.
  14. PETER

    PETER Elite Member

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    lookin' good Mone. Congrats on getting your last 2 pager on the BS facebook page.
  15. Leopold Stotch

    Leopold Stotch Member

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    @Tasty, listen to Gane and Mone.

    Exchange with Arose 538475_10150983924724834_348145748_n.jpg

    Day off. 600147_10150988036134834_822802757_n.jpg
  16. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    @scank: that's looking steezy. thanks.
  17. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

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    you aint gettin no jury. we all know you suck and it would just hurt your feelings to hear it from everyone.
  18. kwu

    kwu Senior Member

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    I think this is dope, I wouldnt want to see you push an entirely different style like ewok tho. jus keep in mind that when you paint something like this, it'll be hard to remember where the bars bend (ANE specifically, but the R has flow) . flow comes from your hand motion, so if you can envision how the lines of your bars bend in your head, then on a wall it'll be easy n quick. look at the lines that some of your favorite arists paint and you'll see what i mean. ewok is a good example of flow though, his lines are dope and you can imagine the motion of his hand even though his style is completely different, you know what I'm sayin?

    for chatter
    bernie 002.jpg
  19. SicK-

    SicK- Senior Member

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  20. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    work in progress, exchange with brute:
    not overly happy with this one, need to rework the 'r' and 'u' combo, crits would be appreciated. thanks.