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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. das1

    das1 Senior Member

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    luv the cop car, i luv seenin that shit
  2. captain ron

    captain ron Member

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  3. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    all that means is that you got no life.
  4. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    wow, man. burn :rolleyes:
  5. graffistheshit

    graffistheshit Senior Member

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    your a toy, i just saw your shit.
  6. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    5'7 130? haa, youd kick my ass, im your same height, and way 20 pounds more in muscle.

    lol like weight really means anything your so fuckin dumb she
  7. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    this is a call out to the fucking talkers in the blackbook thread. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I dont give a fuck if youre better then everyone or worse then everyone, you need to keep your mouth shut in that thread. simple as that. i dont care if youre gunna post tomorrow, or hear all the excuses about why your not posting or hear that your markers suck. i dont care, no one does.
    to the talkers...who gives a shit if someone disses you or doesnt agree with you. get over it, you dont need to take up the next pages to expalin yourself. like i said earlier all you need for expalining anything should just be your sketches.
    anyways you annoying brats are pissing me off so that means ill start deleting shit in that thread as i see fit. what youdont like my idea?! well guess what i dont like you talk in the thread and have made that very freakin clear...

    here is the post i posted in the blackbook thread.

    only went back 6 pages (7 hours), but this i didnt clean up your fucking annoying chit chat as always, this time i left up all your useless posts. so everyonecan see how your ruining this thread. some of the fucking pages dont even have flicks on them, just pure beef. some pages had the same person posting 5+ times. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP

    here is the count on who wont shut up. and to those that are listed here, this is the NEW RULE...if you dont post a flick or a comment directly speficily about a flick, EVERYTHING OF YOURS WILL BE DELETED ON THIS THREAD (INCLUDING SKETCHES). This is your only warning.

    CashMoney/She77 - 11 useless posts
    Gesus - 10
    Kay - 9
    Car2 - 6
    Psykaoz - 3
    Selm - 3
    DNA - 3
    jedi - 3
  8. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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  9. the infamous one

    the infamous one Elite Member

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  10. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    stfu msfyt...
    come fuck with me in real life for once.
  11. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    This aint aimed at any1 jus found it

    I hear you were born on April 2; a day too late!

    its so crap it made me piss myself
  12. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    listen you fucking loser, i did meet you in real life because i was tried of listening to to whine.
    not only did i meet you, i painted with you. excuse me, i painted, you started to paint and gave up after the first letter. you said it was too wack and i agree, it was wack. you even posted the wack ass pic.
    so whats your fucking point, that i would like to keep my name anonymous (silly me wanting to hide my name from the cops) but its not like i dont know or have meet half the people on here, hense most people already know what i write. my point is youre a fake, a front. lol even the crews you rep dont want you!!!
    so what you wanna meet in real life again so i can beat your stickman of a body, or maybe pop a couple pimples for you.?! get real i want nothing to do with you. i have been then civil to you, kay, and gesus. so this has nothing to do with a personal attack, you just need to know ehn to shut up. but i understand thats hard for you cuz thats all you got, is running your mouth.
  13. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    umm.....msfyt, u cant delete all of our posts even with pix.....

    can you?? :blink:
  14. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    umm.....msfyt, u cant delete all of our posts even with pix.....

    can you?? :blink: [/b][/quote]
    yes i can

    but i dont want to, but a point does need to made here. do you really want to be the proven point?! hell i love your sketchs and stuff, which you know from my pms (yes i use pms cuz why post all my chitter chatter on the blackbook thread). anyways just from the quote you took i wanted to make sure you understand i only think waste/pyskaoz is running his mouth. you just blah blah too much!! sorry but its true. you can blah blah anywhere else but really look what the blackbook looks like when you guys all talk too much.
  15. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

    • Messages: 10,009
    • Likes Received: 44 are going to delete our pix and all of our posts if we talk?......

    and thats going to prove what?...we already know that you are a "Mod"..

    oh and im not starting any beef....ur pretty. :wub:
  16. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    its called loosing your freedom of expression, because you cant follow the one rule in that thread. and yes i will delete everything from the people that continue talking.

    im not trying to prove anything, im just trying to keep one of the few good threads we have clean. which i might add is my job as a mod.

    but the biggest reason to keep that thread clean is for people who have dial up. loading up that page takes forever, and then to see that there is only one pic on that page and the rest is usless talk. when people go into that thread they expect flicks, not hunting for flicks 5 pages back to see the egor/thrillhouse that got lost in the beef. or what about phezr doesnt he deserve to have his flciks live longer then 5 mins, due to people talking talking and talking, and then boom his sketch is 5 pages back. same goes for chillen, gesus and you, you all have great work in that thread but good luck finding most of it. (thats if i havent cleaned up the mess already!)
  17. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    aw thats not cool...
    its gonna be like a mini iraq from now on...
    haha, nah, ok msfyt its been a pleasure like always. but im gonna go shower...
  18. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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  19. whOaHT

    whOaHT Elite Member

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    im not one for beef, but damn G-UNIT is gayyyyyyyyyy
    AH HA
    Take that mad cow thread B)
  20. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    hi she77, sorry i forgot to say you have nice sketchs too, but once agian it would be nice if you kept the chatter down in that thread

    well actually you have no choice now, but please its your decision to follow the ONE rule and keep all your sketchs alive

    i know you have laot to say, but use the other threads for talking


    lol...have a good shower kay, please dont think of me while taking it though!!!