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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hehe if i wasnt in class i woulda really started laughing msfyt lolzzzz!

    good luck getting beef offline with me. u might even get me annoyed (im rather calm)

    actually nus2 reasked me to be in nec twice lol so its just haze who doesnt want me in as far as i know. n the other 2 crews i rep are mine lol so i dont think im bout to get kicked out of em haha

    as for me being a front... a front to what?
    u can say what u want... all ive seen by u is hum.... 2 anti tags, and some stuff at the tawall.

    as far as graff skills go (on or off paper) i burn you. and as far as getting up... well unless u write alot in a hood ive never been in then im more up then you.

    if u really think your that good... then battle. if not.... well keep on talking, its fun entertainement, and u arent half bad at net dissing! haha
  2. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    I've painted with msfyt,and bombed with her, and I give her her props. She is MUCH better than you, and she also is down to write. Unlike you Psykaoz, you're a straight fucking toy, and you should learn when to keep your mouth shut. You're stuff sucks so bad it's laughable. You're can control is that of when I first need practice, TOY. You think you're the shit because all these fucking toys on here give you props.......on the streets you ain't shit, and sketches that are bitten off of ensoe mean nothing by the way.....

    You don't burn anyone, you couldn't even if it was for you life.......
  3. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    man youre fucked in the head

    not once did i ever say i was better then you, or say im more up then you. thats your thing, i could give a shit what people think about me or about if im up enough. yorthe one that needs all the internet attention.

    plus i dont give a fuck about crews, i hate crews and the fact that you need "your own" crews makes me laugh. fuck crews, rep yourself.

    im just saying you bullshit to much and use this site as your own personal journal. get a life.
  4. KireOne

    KireOne Senior Member

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    hey msfyt...if you delete their sketches....then whats the point of the bbook thread?? :huh:
  5. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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    msfyt,not to start shit, but you can delete my sketches without me caring. becasue i could give a fuck less cuz everyone her says im wack cuz im an asshole to them. plus my shit is in the best of thread. on another note make a no biting rule, and delete spykaoz's stuff though.
  6. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    geez, thrillhouse, chillen, pherz, ekos, fatchicks, mynd, etc

    are the reason for the blackbook thread, they post their sketchs and keep quiet. its to look at the sketchs, not for people to post sketchs and think they can run their mouth after.
  7. Didn't psykaoz and mysfyt meet up and hit up, and now there is no e beef or whatever?

    I dunno, I may have read some shit wrong but it seems like this has been going on forever.
  8. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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    oh, yeah there the ONLY dope writers on bombing science msfyt. DUH.
  9. Awwwwww, everyone big hug.
  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    so the blackbook thread is only for them?

    i was under the impression threads were for EVERYONE
  11. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    yes we did meet mode, and psykaoz was more wack then i thought, but i try to keep quiet most of the time about our beef becuz its none of anyones business. but the kid bugs me so much some times i cant control myself, though i keep it in the beef thread only.
    but the whole blackobook thing wasnt directed just at waste/psykaoz but he seems to think the whole forums revolve around him so he reacted, and brought up whatever in the past he could find to attack me. when really i could care less about his graff, ups, bullshit, etc as long as everyone stops talking in the blackbook thread.

    and no she77 those arent the only dope writers, i wrote etc, meaning other writers included. but they are writers that respect that thread. there is a big difference between being a good writer and being an annoying good writer.
    and i was just looking for the best of thread, where did it go? i cant find it.
  12. So you just met up, and decided to try and be his friend only to talk about him on the forums badly again?

    If I were you I would have squashed it right then and there.
  13. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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    "best of the blackbooks" its called. try searching for it. and so what type of writer am i???????????????? OMG I NEED TO KNOW!
  14. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    mysfyt i dont agree with you all that much, but you do have a point, about deleting the posts. and no there not the only dope people on this site.
  15. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    use your eyes before your mouth glue
  16. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i never tried to be his friend, i was poilte and thats it.
    and what was there to squash?! the fact that he sucks, he proved that the day we painted.
  17. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i agree with evak... even though i dont really know him, waste swears hes the fucking greatest, and loves all these dick riders...
  18. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    lol...tony too fast for me
    took the words right outta my mouth

    ...actually you did!!
  19. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    im very slow at writing, i didnt see that until after i posted.
    sory i didnt mean to offend you tony...
  20. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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    how aqbout that one dude cartoonist, who swears hes the greatest, and adores all of the nut clinging toys on this forum who thinks hes dope.