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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    *shakes head*......exits topic....
  2. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    chnage the word "bitch" to "beach" in this topic and it gets like 10x more entertaining
  3. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    lol sorry kay, just every asian porn ive seen they have TINY penises :| and those are the PORN STARS... damn
  4. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    And Mr. ToyKaoz? Calling out my Can Control?
  5. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    arent you a hypocrtic, you tell me off and suck tonys dick!! and we both said the same thing. [/b][/quote]
    we are like twins :wub:
  6. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    and those are the PORN STARS... damn
    hahahaha...this made me laugh....
  7. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    lol evak keep on being your good old nokos self....

    good luck slashing all my tags... youd have to spend alot of time in mtl. and in pierrefonds.
    and then youd have my bombs to slash... a few in spots u probably wouldnt have the balls to go haha...

    kay:true some of my sketches are styles from other ppl. i dont try to hide it. as for me changing styles all the time. well im creative lol, and i get bored of a style fast... i change throwie and tag styles all the time also. and everything i paint is not bitten. (well when i had just started i bit some of what i painted but not nemore)

    look at the stuff i do in paint n its my styles. i just dont stick with one style... i like to explore n push my art further... i already learned the hard way, my anime has fallen in a rut cuz i did the same style for too long now its not really going newhere... so i keep on changing my graff so i can keep on doing something better...

    ill scan a sketch i was working on in skool today... totally different style again so u can go n whine bout bitting...
  8. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    Lol, Mr. Psykaoz thinks he has balls..........wait till you see the GBCK and Friends video........
  9. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i have balls :eek: they jiggle when i run and sweat when im done :\
  10. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    haha...damn....i dont kno why this was funny...

    but for hard can canada be??.......
    i havent heard of any crazy shit goin on in canada like it does in the BAY or in LA.
  11. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    cause in BC is legal to smoke weed, so theres peace...

    the most balls waste had was to climb a fence and the puppy bit his ankle :eek:
  12. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    ahahahhahah this is to funny
  13. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    Psykaoz got nothin on no one...........
  14. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    is it really? cause um, i live there, and i hear about grows getting raided every day, and people getting arrested on the streets for smokeing or possesion.

    there is NO WERE in the world were marijuana is completely legal, not even amsterdam.
  15. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    too lazy to seperate all the flix n post just the revelant ones... but neways... so i got no can control?? nevermind the piece i didnt like how the colors turned out so i just did the black real fast n ghetto (i outta upload the video to show, might later)

    look at the throwie... and thats jsut a throw n i can do my lines as small as yours... neither of us have crazy can control so why u acting like u got ill can control? specially when thats the only thing by you that ive seen with small lines hah...

    as for balls... ill wait to see the vid. for the TT battle u did like a day time tag... yesterday the metros where stopped n i went to walk downtown n did bout 30 tags just as heat on the same street. 3 cops cars passed n one security car during my lil walk lol... so for balls i dont think i need to prove myself...

    n if u think i do... look in the flixs below the metro hit... the blue karak. had to past behind the ticket booth in the metro with 2 workers in it and its like 15-20 ft over the metro rails so u cant really jump down if u get caught... well i got seen by the workers thats why its not finished.... they prolly saw me on the cams that are pointing on the booth.... so i had to run outta the metro... but neways if u think your that hard.... prove it with a vid...

    [Broken External Image]:
  16. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    really? cause i knew a few growers in British Columbia by the coast, and they say its legal to possess and grow but not in excess of so amount of plants..
  17. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    its not. maybe for medicinal users, but not for everyday joe pot smoker.
  18. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    That exhibits can control? Laughable. Wack letters, wack bitten style, wack colors, wack name. Should I keep on going?

    Quick bomb.

    More balls than me?

    Tuck all that shit away psykaoz, you're a joke.
  19. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    Ba da bap ba daaaaaaa..... I'm Lovin It !
  20. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    so u did a billboard? in what looks like a pretty ghetto hood... neways...

    that metro hit is with security 15 feet from me and im on camera doing it.
    plus the time it took me to run outta the metro when they spotted me and hide in the bushes, less then a minute later the cops where there.