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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    holy shit kay nice avatar
  2. Yeah, your sig is pretty fucked up, man. In a good way. Theres too much going on! MY HEADS GOING TO EXPLODE!
  3. cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY

    cAsHmOnEyMilLiOnArEhOtBoY Senior Member

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    this is sad... as a child *you still are* i mean when you were younger, i can tell you're parents dident pay much attention to you. [/b][/quote]
    you must have somthign wrong with your brain, sarcasm you fuck. everyone has beef with me. dont think your e god you blumpkin.
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    hmm blumpkin nice word, also nice computer font peice.... thats sad
  5. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    i aint racist. and i wont let anyone say some shit about a whole entire race.
    but hey, thats just me, if some of you guys dont mind people mocking entire races, then thats your problem.
  6. knoer

    knoer Senior Member

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    i aint racist. and i wont let anyone say some shit about a whole entire race.
    but hey, thats just me, if some of you guys dont mind people mocking entire races, then thats your problem. [/b][/quote]
    calm down man, you are taking shit way too seriously. i myself am filipino and i dont take that shit offensively. it's a joke, you can't expect anything more from such a feeble minded person as car2nist. drop the whole self righteous filipino act aswell, that FILIPINO REPRESENT!! is getting way too old. if you want to do that shit, go to asianavenue.
  7. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    ahahahaha. oh man, im not gonna knock on a 'fellow filipino', but then again. i treat all as equals.
    first off, you dont know what the hell im talking about, and the grounds im coming from, for WHY i think hes got a racist attitude. he may not be one of those real fuct up racist. but hes said some shit that i just dont stand for. first off, people react to things certain ways. you, dont mind much of that shit. but i do. dont tell me to 'drop my whole self righteous filipino act' im just saying, that im proud to be filipino, and would have it no other way. and i wont stand for one bit of racism. you can shrug it off all you want. BUT, YOU DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENED TO ME. DONT THINK THAT RACISM HASNT AFFECTED ME. and dude, dont tell me to goto asianavenue, i just quit that shit! livejournal and friendster is where its at! hahaha
  8. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    oh yeah! knoer! nothing personal by that! no offence if its taken in any way! im not saying you havent, or hell, that anyone else here hasnt been affected by racism. its just that, well, i really have new reasons as to why to not accept that shit. and when that shit comes near me, i dont accept it. but eyy! dont think im some kind of hard ass. i know a joke when its thrown my way.
  9. EVAK_GBCKrew

    EVAK_GBCKrew Elite Member

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    Taking pride in the color of your skin or where you come from, is just perpetuation Racism. Saying "Filipino Pride" is basically like saying Filipino's are better than the rest..............and before you come and talk shit to me, I too, am a Filipino. I hate people who say or think "Black Power" "White Power" "Asian Power" "Mexican Power" it's all a bunch of nonsense to me.
  10. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    haveing pride in something isnt the same as saying its better then everyhting else.
  11. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    tony man where did u get that flick in your sig?
  12. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    yea telys and swamz dont tolerate thjat shit ide take that more serius then getting crossed, a car2n doesnt just say it like once in a witty way he said it a number of times, he also isnt the first one to call him that, and its funny they think there better than telys! he fucking burns you all.
  13. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    having pride for any race is (for lack of a a better word) stupid. how can you be proud of something that wasnt even an accomplishment? its so arbitrary. you didnt ACHIEVE being white or black.
  14. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    SHUT UP!!....

    *Spit*.....*TING*.hits metal can*

    i dont understand you. with your wing-chong-chang....

  15. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    okay, i see your responses, and im actually in a rush to go to nightschool but i'll say something quick for now.

    theres many opinions that i can see.
    saying having pride is stupid, or in a harsher case, even racism flipped inside out.
    but think about it.
    IF you are a minority. you dont get treated the same because of your race, and you arent going to be taking pride in your race, than what do you have to stand for? are you just going to be trampled all over? just because you are that one race, it sucks to go through fuct up situations alone. and if there should be no pride for your race, then what exactly is everyone fighting about? if there is to be no pride, is everyone equal? can you put a coloured man beside a white man in court. and see it as equal? whatever. its just my mindstate. peace guys.
  16. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    *cough michael jackson cough*

    white pride!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    just playing haha
  17. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    lol man thats so gd he is both lol


    lol i just read the last couple of pages and realised wat every1 was on about lol so wat u jus said has made no sense so i just deleted it all
  18. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    *cough michael jackson cough*

    white pride!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    just playing haha [/b][/quote]
    lol i had this conversation with my friend anna today and she said the exact same thing
  19. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    those damn asians! they are everywhere!
  20. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hehe totem2 is asian!

    haha looool....

    foe: ooo i like that anna already! ;)