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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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    Bumped for you idiots.
  2. thanks flow.

    now gesus, you havnt tried to squash shit! youve given me a compliment, and ive given you a compliemtn. and then you try to act to superior towards everyone, some askes how to do somthing like post a flick and you like "god i hate you"... its the internet chill.
  3. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    "its the internet chill." haha, and all this time i was saying the same thing... damn losers haha
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    she i have told u many of times just dont make any negtive comments to me and i wont make and you agreed on it when u had the name before the okesburnsshe user name and as for tell newbies that i hate them they deserver it because they didnt read the rules i mena there thread on how to post images if there to lazy to look and find it then fuck them its just like u making comment to people telling them to just stop graffiti cas they suck its basicly the same thing but i am always in the tips and tools thread giving people advice on how to do things if people aska serious question in the right spot i will be more then willing to help them fuck even in the black book thread i tryed to help people with there artwork but they chose to ignore it so i stoped and just give it in the toy story thread in all the marker/paint threads im always in there telling people my opinion and helping people out but if they make a thread thats already made or ask a question that was on a previous page i will bitch them out because i leave online/my house for 4 days out of a week and when i come back i read every page i missed so i dont ask stupid shit and i dont see how people cant take a few extra mins to ask a question i mean fuck reading half of those threads before asking they will find there answer and also some other stuff they didnt know and as for the superior thing i feel i am compaired to most the kids on here because like you and about 25 other people we have been writing for more then 3 years so we know more so that makes us superior then theres people like geser sake flow and stealth even tho he left do to people starting beef with him who are superior to us im sure u can understand that but if u have a good memory i have told u just dont say anything negtive to em and i wont say shit to you and well keep the beef on here on the low cas most fo it is u and me and carn and a few other people sorry for the miss spelling im puting together another eyecandy picture thread so i dont have time for spell check .... also quit with the all state shit i never said im all state as far as my city goes yes i do hold it down and anyone who knows my real name (not my streetart name which is gesus) will know that between all my stickers that are on every phonebooth, trashcan, and anything stickable and my bombing with my REAL graffiti name know i hold down my cityand only one person on here knows it and i have only recently told him because i have felt comfortable enough to let him know who i am fourms are full of snitchs also the whole telling the mods to look up and post my IP addy so the cops can come to my door really doesnt matter every vandal squad knows copes face fuck most writers know copes face but anyone who knows the legal system (which i do VERY VERY well) know that they have to get you in the act and if the mods were too look up my ip addresses they would find 100's and 100's of diffrent ips under my name from all over the us cas its constantly changing so that would work just to let u in on a lil secret but im giving you one last time yo make n negtive comment to me and i wont make any towords you but this will be the LAST time i will say it
  5. i got through the first or second what would have been sentences but then i stopped reading becasue you didnt use periods or commas which makes it hard to read. so thats that, sorry you wrote that for nothing. but im not going to say shit to you becasue you take everything like such a bitch like you want to get people to fight me becasue ive insulted you online/
  6. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    dude are u fucking serous that whole thing basicly explained how i was goin to drop the beef with you and everything else why i act how i act ect see foe and flow i tried to make shit right again but no he wont even read it you know what you fuckin faggot and im not gettin people to fight you because u insulted me its because u need some respect fuckin beat into you and my friend would have no problem kicking the fuck out of some kid because they love to fight and they'd do it if i said to because were family like that but if i re write it fix all the spelling and add periods would u think about reading it?
  7. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    you know what naw fuck that i aint re writing shit its your problem if u dont want to read it because there it no periods thats your fault its just proof that u think your too good to read that shit when i tryed to squash it
  8. there i just read it. whatever, everything is done. this bombingsceicen beef gets old after 5 posts anyway. so everything is squashed. anbd by the way the IP think was a joke.
  9. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    iight then everything is cool

    LOSTxTHExFAITH Senior Member

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    LOSTxTHExFAITH Senior Member

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    No no no no kids.. I did get banned at one point in time.. I got banned a few times actually. But my last leave of this site was by my own choice in which I did cancel ONE of my accounts. The rest got whiped away with my ip addys along with others who shared the same addy when I got banned. So that shit is pretty farce. But yeah whatevers.. Asshat is still mad I fucked his sister on video tape.. The mods can't ban anyone. Thankfully, cause I'm sure I would have already been gone by now. But Newz can. He banned me a few times actually.. I think deep down he loves me though.. Ha.

    LOSTxTHExFAITH Senior Member

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    P.S. I hate you all... Including you..
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    lol i aws wonderin when this shit would get bumped
  14. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    wow this is back...

    not bad rebus your the only person to ever be banned haha
  15. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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    I hate everyone in a house that is on the corner of thier block....
  16. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hahah lol/// im in the INNER corner of a loop on my road haha
  17. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    amen brother
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    i ahte living on a corner cause i gotta shovle a shit load of sidewalk. fucking weather. i got beef with the weather, im caling you out bitch! fuck you and all your precipitation!
  19. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    you aint nothing but a wanna be taggin bitch and if i see you again ima stomp you i dont ever wanna talk to you again im so pissed about what u did to my cusin!!!! YOU BEST WATCH YO BACK KID