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The Mad Cow Disease Thread....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MR. REBUS, May 4, 2004.

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  1. rayseone

    rayseone Senior Member

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    i hate rooletee.....just kidding

    but i agree with everything u said u hate hah, the thing i have the most beef with tho is cold fucking weather
  2. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    valentines day should be for straight massacres, where the fuck did this commercilized chocolate heart bullshit come from.

    fortune cookies taste like straight asshole

    scene guys look like girls an act hard over the internet but when you bring it to them in the street they stutter an apologize for what they said

    people are just stupid as it is, why would i care for their opinions. its probably gonna be as stupid if not more stupid than they are

    levis are horrible jeans

    wet cat food smells like tits and dirty tampax (assuming a dirty tampax smells like wet cat food)

    if a girl wants more than your love an respect... see women v.s. men thread
  3. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    haha yeah jetpack i have a few posts scattered in that thread.

    i like clothes. you get to wear more clothes when its cold, so i like the cold.

    well maybe thats cause i live in california too, never goes under like 30.
  4. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    man its nearly april an we still have 4 foot fuckin drifts in ottawa. i fucking hate the cold. autumns my fav season, i love sweaters but i hate the cold.

    yo i hate when cats walk up to me an say ive got no style an i should dress like 2008 instead of 98.

    like get the fuck outta here, whyd i wanna dress like one of you enyce wearin wannabe thugs. my paint covered flannel an my oversized touque have more style than your regurgitated $100 bullshit shirt.

    oops i got ink all over your shirt, guess your gonna have to throw it out since its not cool to rock an ink covered shirt... fucking clowns
  5. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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  6. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    thats what i meant by fuck peoples opinions, people come up sayin "yo man those _____ are mad ugly" why the fuck would i care what you think about my clothes? keep it to yourself.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2008
  7. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    I'm in highschool too....Well I would be, if I hadn't dropped out,,,But...

    Why do old people think our generation is fucking ridiculous, that we're all complete morons? You know that bitch in your class who asked "Was Hitler king of europe?"

    Yeah, THAT bitch is why.

    You know that black kid who dresses like soulja boy, and LISTENS to soulja boy?

    Yeah, THAT black kid is why.
  8. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    old people are the fucking ridiculous ones, you completely fuck up the earth to the point of no return, then whine about how were punks because we dot have jobs when we're 6?

    oh and fuck this thread making us all seem whiney
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2008
  9. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    This iiiiiiiis the story of a giiirrrrrrrlllll
    Who cried a river and drowned the whole wooorrrrrllllld!!!!!!
    And while she looked so sad in photographs
    I absolutely love her,
    When she smiles
  10. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    haha i remember that song
  11. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    fuck societys veiw trying to pressur u into giving to charity,
    fuck rich milionare cunts like bono and bob geldof telling mt broke arese to give wat i can
  12. Backalley Abortion Doctor

    Backalley Abortion Doctor Elite Member

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    I like whining.

    Yeah, your grandparents. Your grandparents generation is why our world, this one, the one we're currently standing on, right here, is fucked to all reason. Old people, are fucking, stupid. They need to be shot. Everyone over the age of 45 is useless. And they assume because you're younger than them, you're less intelligent. Bitch do you have any idea how much more shit I have to learn than when YOU were in school eight THOUSAND years ago. I learned my grandmother's entire education in middle school. Bitch, the fuck is algebra?

    I hated my 10th grade english teacher, because he was a complete baboon, he knew nothing of the english language and could bareley manage to speak it. He also gave out worksheets and HE didn't understand the directions written-on-them so (even though the entire class was smart enough to understand it) we had to do it his, completely stupid, wrong way in order to pass it.

    Which brings me to my next point. American education is shit. Go to college in some asian country. You'll learn more.
  13. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    uk education is preaty fucked as well, especialy in london
    my first day at high school i saw a teacher get stabed in the eye
  14. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    man, live in a cardboard box for a month, you'll learn more about surviving and life than any school can teach you.

    honestly, our generation hasnt started any world wars. its all old fucks back then who started that shit.

    i dont give a fuck if im 19 without a job, the longer i am without a job the more my creativity increases. the more my creativity increases the more my ambitions to use my creativity for as a career increases.

    oh yeah but thats right, society dosent give a fuck about my ambitions as long as i pump your gas or pour your coffee at starbucks you couldnt give a shit about me.

    honestly, ill be 45 years old and still writin if it keeps me happy, im not gonna conform to the norms of society to make a cheap buck and raise a fucked up family for them to mooch my money i sold myself for.

    im not even having kids
  15. Roolete

    Roolete Elite Member

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    thats just because your sooo ghetto
  16. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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    Not by choice, no one will reproduce with you.
  17. JETPACK!!

    JETPACK!! Banned

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    rape is still an option

    or artificial insemenation

    but honestly, why would i want to have a kid?? to lose my hair, to have a kid grow up to hate me for bringing him into the world? to be called a lousy father by my ingrateful son?

    the cons seem to outway the pros
  18. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    not really, i mean i live in a fucking shiity place, in between 4 or five housin tenaments but i dont go around claiming im gangster trying to rob ppl or anything
  19. Juicee

    Juicee Senior Member

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    No One Likes You Your A Faggot Youre A Fucking Pussy We Should Get Together And Touch
  20. SAID

    SAID Moderator

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    not one word of what you said made sense..