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The Punk Rock Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ekto907, Jul 14, 2005.

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  1. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    was for a friend, he was curious about their sound, i dl one of their albums,
    i send it


    even though they do that whole nazi skinhead look, some tracks are okay sounding, boots and braces for example, nothing racist about those lyrics, good sounding song too

    so yeah, relax man, im not going round spouting white power and toting mein kampf
  2. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    ok, thats understandable...but still...there are sooooooooooo many better bands. Sorry if i came down on you, but i just take that shit pretty seriously.
  3. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    right now im listening to Nikoteens, german i think

    post up a list of the stuff you're into, im curious
  4. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    hmm, well i got into punk about 6 years ago and started listening to stuff like

    The Damned
    Stiff Little Fingers
    The Undertones
    Sham 69
    The Clash

    yea know, alot of 70's stuff...BUT THENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN


    I started listening to stuff like

    Black Flag
    Social Unrest
    Minor Threat
    7 seconds
    Teen Idles
    Reagan Youth
    Circle Jerks
    Bad Brains
    Negative Approach
    Suicidal Tendencies
    and so on

    and i pretty much stopped listening to 77 stuff cuz it wasnt fast enough, and started listening to hardcore. Then i got into alot of straight edge and youth crew and youth crew revival bands like

    Gorilla Biscuits
    Youth of Today
    Side By Side
    The First Step
    Project X
    Chain of Strength

    now im real into hardcore bands that are around now:

    Dead Stop
    Blood For Blood
    Cold World
    Expired Youth
    Fucked Up
    Dead Hearts
    Hold Fast
    Youth Attack
    In My Eyes
    Limp Wrist
    Wrecking Crew
    Righteous Jams
    Bones Brigade
    Wrecking Crew
    Suicide File

    so...yea, there ya go. theres my list
  5. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    nice, hardcore punk is the deal

    bad brains debut album is a fucking classic, i could listen to it over and over, in fact, i might put it on now

    punks crazy though, you think you know what you're talking about, you think you heard it all with your collection, then you get someone else ask what you know about this, what you know about that, my collections permanently growing because of that

    CIFILONE Senior Member

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    Fuck yeah, Amebix rule.

    I listen to bands like -

    Extinction of Mankind
    Police Bastard
    Battle of Disarm
    Fleas and Lice

    Heaps of crusty, grindcore type shit. [/b][/quote]
    WOW....ONE person on here knows whats up.... <_<

    fuck NOFX and FUCK anti flag...thats shit is
    bullshit bubble gum hot topic rock...
  7. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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    i found this flyer online a little while ago. it was on a page of flyers from all over the country of old school hardcore shows. and i was positively amazed that it was from my tiny little piss ass town. i was saddened that shit like this used to go down and now there's not a trace of anything like it anywhere in the city. at all. all the kids into anything that doesn't suck and isn't totally mainstream all move to philly as soon as they can.
    [Broken External Image]:
    anywho, to Gorilla Biscuits (elcs), or anyone for that matter
    i've been looking for Reagan Youth records in my town and it's no surprise they're nowhere to be found around here. i would absolutely love if someone would upload some material of theirs. Also Judge and Gorilla Biscuits.

    there used to be another venue in my town that was once the stage for The Misfits and Black Flag.
    doesn't it suck knowing you missed out on this stuff?

    [Broken External Image]:
    also found this GG Allin flyer from Bethlehem. not my town, but still a good find.
  8. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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  9. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    punk is dead, thread is dead
  10. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    maybe...just maybe...its because your in it.

    i dont know. just a speculation i have.
  11. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    bitch shut up, punk thread is dead cause 95% of the daft cunts on this site are hip hop heads...cause you know, it is a graffiti forum? and yeah, graffiti and hip hop go hand in hand. or did you forget about the graffiti part? cause your using this place like a pick up forum, please fuck off for everyones sake, you're not wanted in this thread, you're not wanted in any others. i thought you said you weren't posting here anymore? please stay true to your word

    "who was the stupid bitch with saliva in her face last night? somebody spat in her face....awwwwww"
  12. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    feeling better after that mouthful?

    nice to see nothing changes. just the way i left it, just the way i like it and just how it will remain.

    what a beautiful day.
  13. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    go post in the UK thread, you dont belong here
  14. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    you go post somewhere else also. then everyone is happy.
  15. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    i post here cause i listen to punk,

    the fuck do you listen to??
  16. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    pams fuck off and go get raped. seriously. you dont listen to punk all you do is claim your leaving to get a fuss. fuck off
  17. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    your actually bothered? you want to know?

  18. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    what the FUCK are you talking about??

    coherancy is your friend

    you're just posting in here to be a bitch, you dont listen to punk, about as punk as you get is watching a fuckin sex pistols docomentary on BBC, PLEASE leave

    I DID NOT COME OUT SEEKING YOU, you came seeking me to be a bitch, and you think im the problem? please, do the simba shit
  19. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    oh dear. you do make me laugh. you should learn to control your temper you know.
    then aain dont. express yourself it amuses me. hence why i seek you out.

    please! haha sex pistols. fella....grow up....and do it fast.
  20. EGAD

    EGAD Banned

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    you didn't get how i was referring to them in my post, know, you dont know punk?

    you're a childish little bitch you know, you're seeking internet fights

    please leave this thread, im asking you nicely, jesus christ