Anyone know how long it should take for a card to get from the other side of the country to here? Posted first class I belive, it's been over a week
if your letters been seized you will get a seizure letter, i sent some green once that got seized nothing happend about it tho, they said if i want it back i have to go to court to try claim it......yeah ok!! pluse wonks hardly worth their while
i think it is just england for the moment thas goin 2 get taxed for the bins.. which is dumb cuz other ppl might use ur bin..
00-made-00 why would you send green through the post? you wouldnt eat dog shit would you? from amsterdam, why would you?
i coulndt go the jam even if i was in the country, im on bail and not aloud to even posses a can of paint, i have cort the day after i get back from the usa for me
Everyone knows you take a bandana and hat with you, coz headgear always makes you inconspicuous. And don't you always paint chill spots?
SOMEBODY (PREFERRABLY MONKEY OR KLAZ BUT IM REALLY NOT TOO BOTHERED) PM ME WITH DETAILS FOR THIS JAMMY SHIT! Cos i get back from spain tomorrow at midnight, and i need to know whats happening, i´ve been out of the loop for a while...
does anycunt rember if sika wrote SOAR ? a hink he did. but wasnae too sure. cos am just back fae malia n in ma hotel ther was a coupla SOAR 08 handstyles. also seen a meaty Avea dubsikle aswell. didnt take a pik. was too mad wi it. also ... why ... WHY ... do english cunts feel the need to shout out YOU WOT YOU WOT! all the fuckin time. aaahhhh it did ma fuckin box in man.