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The UK Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scarface, Nov 21, 2004.

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  1. Solo.

    Solo. New Member

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    Im south too mate
  2. TRUANT365

    TRUANT365 Senior Member

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    Isn't it risky ask fuck in London..? My bro Joe form west yorkshire said it's risky as, and if you get caught they raid your house and shit like that.?
  3. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Its risky as fuck anywhere tbh, the B T P wont raid you if they catch you for one or two bits. They will collate information and pictures about you for months n take you when your not expecting it. They will remove all paper and e-storage devices from your house etc to build the case against you and anybody else you have photo's of. Going back a good few years now, but they took a friends Art coursework all his fam's laptops cameras etc and he failed his exams as a result. Not long got his stuff back and he was raided in 08. If your in it to win it, you gotta realise its gonna ruin y life at some point. And im assuming its the similar everywhere..
  4. TRUANT365

    TRUANT365 Senior Member

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    Wholey shit.. where i'm at in new zealand, they have a data base of peoples tags, that's it though. if you get caught they can use it all in court but people where i am are so fucking discreet, it's hard to meet other writers especially when your one of 3 that do throw-ups, the rest are taggers. there's barley any beef, and there's a few legal writers, apart from that there's barley even a scene here, so the cops aren't too worried about it. but if you go further up new zealand the scene gets bigger and the cops become more strict, i heard of a writer up in a place called auckland, the cops caught him red handed doing a throwie, and beat him to death, and they got off. - Bastards of the law.
  5. Bastardo

    Bastardo Senior Member

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    Reviving this shit, wheres the uk heads at yo!

    Anyone in Cambridge? I write Voila/Gas - Gaser, BDG BRAIN DEAD GANG.

    Peterborough aswell, i jam with Agro, Ves (Dove), Booze, Care (Gekoe) - BDG!
  6. KromeInk

    KromeInk Member

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    I am in London and we have just launched a magazine if you want to get involved with us. We have Crymein, Snub 23, Aztek, Sky High and Roo in the first issue.

    We are also involved with Flex FM if any of you listen to it.

    We are always in Leake Street painting.

    Here is our Facebook group
  7. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    I'd be keen on a copy if anywhere up north stocks it man? and as above, lets get this revived..

    Photo's from Combat Calligraphy Last week.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  8. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    sheff my home town it is the one u get me blood
  9. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    wait people still post in this thread....amazing haha!
  10. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Big Jam at Sharrow Ball courts tomorrow aint there? Was hoping to get there but looks like im working now. Spoke to a guy who writes Rek from your ways a while ago. He showed me the sharrow spot last time i was down. B keen to get out them ways again soon tho.

    Anybody ever get Liverpool ways?
  11. FindMyGraff

    FindMyGraff New Member

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  12. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Bait that man. If people want to advertise where they are themselves, that's sound.

    But telling the web where people are actively tagging isn't cool.
  13. HexxInkworks

    HexxInkworks Senior Member

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    lincolnshire, anyway wanna do some sticker trades?
  14. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Got a gallery exhibition in just over 2 weeks so i'll just be nailing bits off for that atm man. Happy to send you a few bits next month or sumat.
  15. FindMyGraff

    FindMyGraff New Member

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    You don't have to submit a location or any details.

    It is just a cool way to make sure your graffiti stays online for ever, in case it is cleaned off or tagged over.
  16. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    It has the location above the picture. As I say.. If people want to identify themselves that's fine. But pointing out what someone else's tag says, and where it is to anybody (even the police use the internet) is not very sporting of you.
  17. FindMyGraff

    FindMyGraff New Member

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    That is only for people that wish to do so. Most people that state the location don't graff any more.

    Most people just say the location is unknown.

    I would never want to get people in trouble, as I used to graff
  18. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Yeah.. So a bit of self promotion. Be top if anyone can make it!

    POSTER FRONT A6 - insta.jpg
    Held at Zap Graffiti Arts, Oldam Place, Liverpool.
  19. DEUCE2

    DEUCE2 Senior Member

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    Anyone from Bham West Mids
  20. molotow_15

    molotow_15 Elite Member

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