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The UK Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scarface, Nov 21, 2004.

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  1. the infamous one

    the infamous one Elite Member

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    yeh making people laugh is great...but meh
  2. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    thats sad kongo. i hope you mean cry with laughter.
  3. Klaz

    Klaz Elite Member

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    that didnt make sense.
  4. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    hhahaa, making people cry from laughter owns.
  5. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    i was jokin

    klaz i meant i cried when my dog had to be put down
  6. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    i'm not laughing yet..........
  7. Klaz

    Klaz Elite Member

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    oh ok.tht would be's sad when things happens to a pet.

    i recently got a bitch.Staffordshire Bull Terrier. she's like 2 now.and i she gets excited over ppl really easy.This asian guy hit her with his laptop case and i beat him down then took his laptop and smashed it.

    dont fuck with my dog. :lol:
  8. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    uhh, chuck norris is so cool he lost his virginty before his dad.

    how many blondes does it take to change a light bulb?

    1 the insert the lightbulb and 5999 to turn the house around
  9. The 5th one

    The 5th one Elite Member

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    lol. that was an attempt to make me smile.

    anyways i'm off to bed now to rest my poorly body. night all. i wilbe okay tomorrow i hope. x
  10. Klaz

    Klaz Elite Member

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    you stole both those jokes from me.

    your in the bush outside my house arent you?
  11. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    klaz, i find that niether funny or believeable
  12. news

    news Elite Member

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    sup i jus been at a gcse fingy if i dnt get in2 gcse art graphics im guna b pissed as hell itys da onli subject dat looks ok reli all da kids lettas makes my eyes hurt i thot it wud b beta........... kongo i went 2 reading basically wear ne fin u want if u see a twat or sumones pissin u off tell dem 2 go fuk demselves siereously u cud get larry 2 da henchest cunt at readin and dey wudnt do shit and if u want 2 go on a cunt hunt jus shout at n e girl tell her 2 cum ova and u'll prob spend da night wid her......... da festivals jokes man u'll have fun i met a graffiti writa at readin dat is one of da reasons i got in2 it....... and does n e one have n e tips for usein promarkers i jus allways fuk up wid dem
  13. mhc

    mhc Senior Member

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    in english next time thanks
  14. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    hahahahaha it was like a usual blonde joke not funny but good. Anyway whens adult hour :p
  15. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    yea adult time starts now, so if you wernt mentioned as an 'old head' earlyer by monkey or sika, fuck off n talk in another thread
  16. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    10 i think. and yeh get some rest pams

    klaz im not outside your house. im already inside. ever wondered what hte creeking in the ceiling was.....i see you. and your pink fluffy slippers
  17. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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  18. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    im watchin MIB3, n is there a woman followin them around the whole time?

    cos i heard her say it but i aint seen her
  19. news

    news Elite Member

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    am i allowed in adult time
  20. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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    ooooo, that films dooope, i like state your name for my favorite film