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The UK Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scarface, Nov 21, 2004.

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  1. runci

    runci Elite Member

    • Messages: 3,689
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    i dont wanna be in ur smelly adult time!
  2. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    your not wanted in adult time you northan barstard
  3. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    you are really :) i dont even like adult time, im leaving, it was good last night cos it just happend, it wasnt planned.....oh well

    peace xxxx
  4. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    yer i spose no one is on posting aswell
  5. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    yer its really quiet 2nite. i reckon after housewives itll become busier
  6. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    im off to bed now anyway, im gona have sex with my pillow
  7. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    hahahahahahahaha, oh man i laughed out loud. thats funny as FUCK
  8. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    yer im a lonely mudafuka
  9. soba06

    soba06 Senior Member

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    lonely to have sex wif ur pillow u have be more than lonely
  10. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    lol, me too man, me too. i need a girl so bad. i want to go to a new school aswell.
  11. soba06

    soba06 Senior Member

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    i need a girl wa yr u in ?
  12. C H E N Z O

    C H E N Z O Elite Member

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    aw wee man please leave an never come back. that comment made mad respect bar for u hit minus 25.

    adult time .... adult time ...

    a woodnae mind havin a bit a that wi yer maw ryte noo
  13. Hektik-J

    Hektik-J Elite Member

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    :lol: sorry chenzo. it was in response to bob. it wasnt outta nowhere "oh i wish she was here" typa shit. it was bob asked "who wants pam here?" n i said i want pam here as "she doesnt have to go." cos he gave two options. who does want her here. n who doesnt. i made a choice. i dont mind if she is there. its not random shit. i dont mind if shes here or not to be honest.
  14. manc

    manc Senior Member

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    gutted....i missed adult time and all the kiddes were gone too :(

    is anyone still alive on here or all in bed???

    i was just throwin out some random scribble on paper tryna find a decent throwie and i got's a shitty pic i kno and its only a 1st rough outline with no fills or nethin but what do you guys think??

    any critz plz?? :D
  15. toon!..

    toon!.. Elite Member

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    ^^surely you can do better
  16. xXx

    xXx Senior Member

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    lol im sayin nuttin, am still awake like
  17. manc

    manc Senior Member

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    i know i was just the struc n shape i was askin for feedback on.........don't really do thows so im tryna come up with one............this is how far i have got in an hour.....

    im tired as hell and half my makers etc aint here so..........

    not my best but knackered!!

  18. the infamous one

    the infamous one Elite Member

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    bumpy bump, shitty school yet again, and last night i hooked monkey up with that girl i love...see what i do for mates eh? im that damn nice...sunny out today as well...cant complain
  19. everhull

    everhull Member

    • Messages: 25
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    hey dudes sorry about all the bad post by my name my bro has been using my account while i was away he only been graffing for 2 years bless him lol.
  20. Hektik-J

    Hektik-J Elite Member

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    errrr no he wasnt. you just realised youve been saying stupid shit. got a bad reputation and nobody liked you. so your trying to fix it with some bullshit lie about your brother. :lol: eejit.
    oh n dont say "graffing". its queer.

    sorry for being harsh im jus pointing out the obvious.