yo mommas so black and her teeth so yellow she gets mistaken fo a raiders lineman. BAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA
yer maw's got a face like a burst bellend. yer maw's got a face like a melted welly boot. yer maw's got a face like a half chewed biscuit. yer maw's got a face like a burnt halloween cake. yer maw's got a face like a well skelped arse. yer maw's like a bus ... 50p tae ride up top. tell yer maw tae stop changin her lipstick will ye? ma fuckin dick's like a rainbow. the only reason i'm fat is cos every time a pump yer maw she makes me a sandwich.
this thread could have potential i forgot all my yo mamma jokes =/ something about the doctors slapping her when you were born??? idk
and your momma jokes dont? lol its the only one i could remember from my childhood lol Yo mommas so fat she puts mayonaise on her advil
HAHHAHAHA ur parents are probably dead cuz ur momas so fat she blocked the entrance of the batcave fucker