layup is the side tracks where trains are parked overnight and on the weekends...this is usually where you see just a handful or half-line of cars left alone, no engine or cabuse....and yards are where they are swaping cars and forming new cargo lines...usually have few fr8 lines running closer together here...example...there is a 7 line in the southwest...usually a warehouse or operater site near big yards...hump yards...where they just add or subtract a car or 5....lay-ups will be picked up...get it??
i heard there was a crew of homeless freight riders. supposedly they leave whatever lives they may have to ride the freights and bomb the fuck out of whatever city they stop in for a few weeks at a time, then leave again on another train. does anyone know about this? also my boy told me when the cops would come into the train yards with the poilce dogs, he would hide on top of the boxcar and the dogs would stop sniffing at the spot where he was painting. does this work?
getting on top of boxcars isnt always a good idea, and it can be quite difficult seeing as how not all boxcar ladders go all the way to the top.
yards are bigger than layups. yards are where they move all the cars around and rearrange them into lines. they usually have a building or something to accompany them. layups are where trains just chill for a while, overnight or longer. [/b][/quote] theres a layup right behind my school and its behind a forest so barely anybody can see you. i jsut keep a couple cans in my locker and go out at lunch or after school.
This is just to answer a few questions and summerize whats being said on this thread. As far as the numbers go on freights and the words, prety much all yo need to leave is the wight limits, capacities, and the trian type (for example some say rbox). This is what the freights need to legally have on them to be on the tracks. You dont need to pack in useless shit like tape or cardboard to put over the numbers, you should just paint around the numbers, its not hard, if you cant do it then you shouldnt be painting trians. As far as tagging shit in yards, DONT DO IT! The idea of not heating out a yard is to make it seem like painting didnt happen there. If you tag doors, electrical boxes, etc. then workers will know and will have to report it. Dont go bombing whole lines of freights, this is an obvious one for workers that painting is going on there. Workers know that trians get broken up when the get switched up and whatnot, the same graffiti on a line is a give-in. Thats all for now
my friend's house is on some property that is literally right across the road from where, three or four times a week, a train will stop overnight. All night, dusk till dawn. It isn't sidetracks, either. Any particular reason you can reason for this happening? Also, would it be that difficult to at least do a throw-up on? or are workers likely patrol down it a few times a night. I'm not familar with trains, I stick with the usual walls and basketball courts and shit. he said he did a rather sizeable throw-up there. That safe? I'm thinking about expanding my typical spots. It seems there's a lot involved with piecing or tagging trains.
how many cars is there? 3-4? or is it like a full line? if its like 80-90 cars you could probably paint 3 or 4 peices on the line...(id alternet wich side of the cars you paint) and dont do them close together.. if its only 3 or 4 i couldnt do more then one panel, and dont write the date, area code or anyhting at all.
same here, and wile i do that i check out shit thats already been done and scope for the best spot...
this is all common sense but its also shit you should know before you go out so thumbs up to who ever started this (to lazy to check)
My advice to you and/or your friend stake out the area before you paint it. It all depends if the trains get checked by rail security or anything, or if anyone is sleeping in the enginecar of the train. But just keep six for a bit during certain times and then if its all good paint away, but follow the rules and dont heat it out, or security will be there and problems will arise. Also mentioned by another, it depends on how many cars are there, if there are 3-4 i would just do one piece, if there is a line of freights parked there i would do a few but space them out and alternate panels of the freights. Dont make any routines while painting them because the railworkers or conductor may catch on that his freights are getting hit.
i havnt painted any freights yet but i found a nice little layup out in the country. I was wondering if there were just certain numbers not to paint over or is it a good idea to stay clear of any numbers ? sorry if this has already been asked.
anics: better be safe than sorry, and just stay away from anything printed on the car. the train companies dont tend to put useless stuff on there, so everything serves a purpose and should be left visible. theres enough blank space that you should be able to fit your work.
damn it sucks for me becuase the yard closest to me is already a burn. theres cans laying all over, graff all over the building walls, tags on the electrical boxes and shit. i used to go almost every saturday, but i heard that a couple people got caught there, so now i wanna start going to a different yard. the only other yard that i kno for sure isnt a burn is about 30 min away from me
theres a layup right behind my school and its behind a forest so barely anybody can see you. i jsut keep a couple cans in my locker and go out at lunch or after school. [/b][/quote] where you from Jarass?