i just found a freight yard, but i'm not really sure if there are tons of workers there or not. barely anybody in my city writes, so i doubt they would be on the look out for graffiti too much. anybody know if there are typically workers around 10-11 at night?
just go one night to scope it out. u dont have to bring paint just go look around to make sure its chill
Funny story , Im actually Australian and moved here aaaaaggggeesss ago , I live in a small city called Montrose, about half hour away from Dundee.
Never heard of it On here i think that makes 3 scottish writers atm lol, me u n hoes. Apex n skem used to post n all
we have about two yards here, and about 10 layups they stay for about a week then go. shitty thing is that we don't get auto racks but most of our lay ups get crushed by inner city bombers and cause our yards to be hot so no more lay ups unless its the ones in the woods that are kept secret but other then that all i have to say is dot act like a fucking retard in the train yards, don't bring weed and smoke it there, don't bring cell phones, if that helps bring don't people under 16 because they don't act right and try to paint where there is woods behind you so that way if some one spots you you can dip in the woods and get away, im lucky when it comes to painting in the yards if i see that they are changing the cars i just stick to streaks and point my cam at the train and act like i am a freight lover they just wave and smile, and also! if you haven't been witting longer then three years don't bother coming in the yards trust me all that waiting and practice is so worth it in the long run! trust me you dont want to see a shitty toy freight that you did a few years ago it fucks up your rep..... hope i said some wise words?
DONT EVER go under cars or climb over the coupler both are good ways to end your writing or walking career... ALWAYS up the ladder and across the cat walk on the back of the car
too true many bad shit has happened in freight yards. limbs off, or dead. dont crawl inder the car. it could be shunted, roll, hell the driver could be attatched it and you never noticed. bam cut in half
you're a faggot if you think throw-ups are toy i know i'm cussing out the past, but this shit is dumb some spots are not chill enough to piece at. there are yards that are in the middle of the city 2 minutes from downtown. you going to (a.) say "oh fuck, might as just not hit that cuz it's too hot to piece" or are you (b.)going to bomb that shit? if you choose (a.) eat a bag of dicks and die in a chemical fire
well your lucky because the only yard near me is about and hour away walking.. but imma buy some pocket bikes and ride up there
is their ussually more than 1 yard in a decent sized city? i only found 1 and its super sketchy, the bulls came after just a couple streaks.