ive been deleteing a lot of stupid threads like " does this look good? " or " is this name taken? " so, how bout this. if u have a thread idea that u want approved post your idea here first. so i can have all the ideas in one place and it dont clog up the forum with usless shit nobody wants to read. if u got intrests in it becoming a thread say so, if u think null on that idea say so. u can also comment on threads already approved that u feel is just stupid. speak up yall, this is your forum not mine.
OH SHITS I HAVE A FORUM!!!! haha we should have a throw up the screen name above you thread like the one on pg its pretty entertaining....idk just a idea
nah man you do a throw up for the screen name above you then post it....just somethign to pass time ya know
1) How about a Thread with about Toy Inventory.( Gear, Makers, Paints, Mask. Everything.) 2) What you carry your Gear in. (Like Bags, and Paint and Stuff.) 3) Styles in Progess. Because I know ppl get tried of ppl posting stuff in the BB sections that isnt finshed. I see it all the TIme. So why dont we make a Thread about people with Letters or whatever in progess. Then they can get Crits. About thier letters and stuff.
i think the inventory thread and the gear one in tools and tip is good enough, we dont need another one. it would be cool if we had a thread for home made vids. but i doubt a good amount of people have video cameras and will go out of there way to tape stuff.
I submitted this thread but it never got approved An Advanced toy exchange thread. because im tired of doing an exchange with someone and either: A) never receiving it B) doing a nice sketch filled it with color, and receiving back some piece of shit scribble with no flow or style to it whatsoever. i dont know why my thread got denied...
^ intresting, but we have an exchange thread already but i would aprove it brotha. already an inventory thread, already a gear thread. already a progression thread. keep your eye open, theres only about 3 pages of thread in the toy forum, u dont even need the search option. i think i approved it, u gotta understand a lot of them sit there for a while before my drunk ass sees them at night. thats why i started this one. keep the ideas coming. theres a u-tube thread in general discussion i believe but no reason why we cant have one here.
i posted one a few days ago it was more or less a colour refrence to all the tins we can get like montana range mtn hardcore plutonium g molotow and any extras that people would pm me to put into the threead . anyway once it was finished with the help of people here i wanted it stickied so people dont have to hunt down the colour range on the net n just come here click n see wich make has the best colours.
i think we shud make a TOY NJ thread kuz this way i can link up wit other writers from jerz and so can other ppl i submitted one and it didnt get approved
^ i think that idea is dumb as fuck i like the throwie for the person above thread and there are a bunch of suggestions for things that are already here on BS ...theres a lot of people in here to threads get bumped back quick if they arent active...look back a few pages before suggesting
im not approving a thread with just colors of paint. thats something u need to research yourself. your trying to get out of the toy thread, so most of this shit should be about feedback and crits to improve. if u want an "aria" thread go to the big boy thread im sure they have a new jerz thread there. i did think to do that, but we have so many stuck threads as of yet. understand im not the only toy mod here guys. mine is not the only opinion that matters. maybe pm some other toy mods mass and see if they will do it for u.
Thats the thing mate...hardly any toy mods are ever online anymore..the only active one is you ...Cezr ,Bigel and Eddie are hardly ever one as much as they used to be...D_G doesnt even write anymore...i dont know whats happend to Sume..i miss that guy... !!! if you could replace the sticky of Production with anything imo it should be Tot Throwies...theres a Toy books section for that...
i think u show just have black book, toy bombs, stencils and stickers, toy tags, toy questions and the new to graff thread and rules thread, becuase if u make other threads as stickys then i gives more of a reason to allow other threads to be sticks, is should just be the basic types of graffiti that should be stickys but that is just my opinon