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Thread Suggestions

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Jun 9, 2008.

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  1. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Yo so its pretty weak, but I think there needs to be a lingo thread for all these cats coming in not knowing what the fuck things mean (throw-up, benching, simps, bars, etc). It would save a few posts here and there of people tryin to explain em, i think some of it may be posted in the new to graff thread but *****s dont check that shit.
  2. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    well, if they dont check that one then why would the check this new one you want to create?
  3. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ah you gone make me think?!

    the 2 are pretty different... but uuuuhhh id say because the title perhaps, not straight forward enough, people have different perceptions of what "New to Graff" means. I guess simply finding a link to something thats already created and posting it in the new to graff should suffice, instead of another thread turning to a reference after 3 pages
  4. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    its not the worst idea u know but is it really THAT important? ive only seen 2 or 3 mans whi dont know basic graff lingo here and they only posted a few times and left. i say we make that thread IF the problem persists
    its no huge deal imo. can be corrected within any threads replies
  5. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    wow, we might want to leave some stuff for toys to figure out without having to post it. if you must ask stuff like that toy questions is the place for it. and if you just dont care to answer such questions a quick google search fills the gap. thanks for suggesting but i dont see a huge need for this.
  6. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    If you are a toy and haven't done your research to learn about the art,lingo,legends and so on your aren't that interested in the first place. Can't spoon feed people all the time actual interest takes an effort of your own not others. Well atleast on an overall general knowledge basis.
  7. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    yeah it seemed like not a bad idea, but it should be left at that, after a while it would die and just sit there.... good lookin fube
  8. MASE P_2s

    MASE P_2s Senior Member

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    a crew thread? were ppl can post peices they did with their crews or tell storys about experiances with crews etc
  9. MrSpyrydus

    MrSpyrydus Member

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    a thead with piece progression???BUT with useless combination of letters. like wxy or sdy or things like that so no one can steal your piece. and a progression with the you do them where you do what and very important WHY you do what you do...this will help begginers to learn to think. this is the most important thing for know the logic and sense of every thing you pun in your desing and how it will influence your desing. and of course it would be a thead for criticism. newbs will post a progression of a graffiti and the experienced ones will tell them what they did wrong and things like that. it would be at least a "refreshing" experience for everyone style and we all will get some other methods of doing things, other than the ones that were used to. it will also help the graffiti world to progress faster cause we wont have to rediscover the wheel. if there is already a thead with this ideea pm me a link. i couldn find anything. and i tryed to create such a thead but i haven apeard yet. anyways hope you think its a good ideea and dont blame me for my bad english. im not a native.
  10. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    we do that in almost every thread. they're called crits.
    people post photos and we give them advice on how they can make them better.
    definitely not thread worthy, sorry.
  11. Evow1

    Evow1 Senior Member

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    why dont we clean all the hurtin ass threads that never get used before we talk about making new ones... ?

    and by “we” i mean the mods.
  12. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    a color scheme thread
  13. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    we can't just delete the old, unused threads... just because they're not posted in anymore, it doesn't mean that they should be deleted... they stay there so that people can review them, especially to not spam newer threads with questions that have already been answered in the old ones.

    besides, all you have to do is not click on em mate. take it easy and keep it breezy
  14. homemovies

    homemovies Member

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    what about a thread for (gasp) when you catch that court date, who to ask for legal help, what to do ect.
  15. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    Uncle Ribcage's Free Advice Thread would have been able to cover that^ but somebody (phat) didnt approve the thread, so your just gonna have to ask that in toy questions
  16. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    HELL no fool. homemovies, court's no joke. I would consult a lawyer instead of coming to a graff forum instead dude lol. on the real though... shit's no joke. ribcage is funny and all, but take it seriously.
  17. mrchisel

    mrchisel Member

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    what about a toy throwie battle? not exchange but say someone picks a word and date when its over and whoever wants can enter into the contest and the one with the most votes wins.
  18. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    would you fuckin explore the site before trying to add to it?!!! would ya?!
  19. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    add that to your sig man
  20. homemovies

    homemovies Member

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    haha my dads got a law degree trust me i know, i mean more advice on where to seek council whatnot but screwuit? anime thread? (im just bulshiting here but id post in it)