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Thread Suggestions

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Jun 9, 2008.

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  1. Topic

    Topic Member

    • Messages: 10
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    A thread about the difference between Graffiti used as a Medium and as an Art style. Medium since it's just like any other form of art, such as canvas/computer. The Artstyle is mainly typography, and the medium is tagging/throwups/bombing whatever it may be with spraycans/paint/markers. I recently started graffiti but I've been an artist for a while so thats why I'm wondering if people think you need to do both or neither, I don't really follow the graffiti style I just like doing pieces/tags/throwups with my own stuff.
  2. homemovies

    homemovies Member

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    ohh we got one a dem art skooled mfkas up in here ^
  3. Topic

    Topic Member

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    I'm 14 and I'm an illustrator so I'm not too great with typography. More pieces but being able to tag em.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
  4. homemovies

    homemovies Member

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    ive just been waiting to say that :p
  5. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    topic, I think you haven't done your research enough to know the difference between graffiti and street art, your thread might be approved if you worked better on it. the way it is now, it's not well phrased.
    I know what you're trying to say, you just need to fully understand what you're talking about and know HOW to talk about it and WHAT to say. I assure you there's plenty of street art haters round here. you need to be well prepared for a long ass discussion.
    your thread title's supposed to be Graffiti vs Street Art... just look around and study what each is exactly, where they come from, how graffiti is all about lettering and getting up, how it's all about style and the typographic rules, whereas Street Art is more about the smart message and the way it's being sent and received, how it's about exposing a certain idea or image to an audience, be it artistic or controversial or both.

    give it some more studiying time, come back with a well built topic, and you got yourself an approved thread. I'll leave the one you posted on pending, let me know if you need to see it for reference.
  6. shadyloc420

    shadyloc420 Member

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    a how to on learning new fonts without biting?
  7. vigostar

    vigostar Senior Member

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    Is there some sort of "Grandmaster" thread or gallery? I've been chipping through the blackbook thread but, its incredibly long. SO, I was wondering if there were a thread or gallery where someone can go to view the best this forum had or has to offer. But, only work from actual members of the forum?
  8. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yes there is. it's called "picture gallery" and it's on the main forum page

    check the lookie lookie at the blackbookies thread if anything
  9. vigostar

    vigostar Senior Member

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    Ive been looking through those but, something more isolated. Something where you can click on an artist avatar and you can view their work.
  10. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    theres none of that... but you can go on the main page of the site and look through walls and frights by name. Basically just a compilation of pics from the forums and pics that were sent in.

    But if theres an artist on here your really diggin and you want to see more, just pm them and theyll probably send you a link to there flickr or something
  11. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeah and some of them already incorporate a link to their flickrs or facebooks or tumblrs or whatever. those who do get a "visit homepage" link in the box that pops out when you click on their names (above their avatars)
  12. vigostar

    vigostar Senior Member

    • Messages: 427
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    Hmmm... I was thinking like this..

    And for those of you who actually like art want to develop their art skills that site changed my life.... Thanks for the responses guys...
  13. sema

    sema Senior Member

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    how about a, cyber swine. thread so all the narks lurkin can go and talk about their progress, talk about wasted tax money that pays them to surf. post picks of them n their partners wrestlin and playin with kittens.... ya know that sort of stuff
  14. .Cuore

    .Cuore Senior Member

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  15. shush4

    shush4 Member

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    what about somewhere writers can meet at a "writers bench" or does that sound like something a pig would ask for?
  16. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Pedophiles would lurk that shit.
  17. MTK

    MTK Senior Member

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    I think a cool thread idea would be pictures of hanging of roofs or side of building pictures while in action... or are all of those in the action thread?
  18. rolling fresh kush

    rolling fresh kush Banned

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    fersuree^ or a self video thread
  19. MyNipsAreHard

    MyNipsAreHard Senior Member

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    how bout- post a pic of you bombing/piecing/tagging etc
  20. ZETA

    ZETA Senior Member

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    or videos. also, threads about having your girlfriend/boyfriend's involvement with your graff (like if they go painting with you, draw with you etc....)