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Thread Suggestions

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Jun 9, 2008.

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  1. criscros18

    criscros18 Banned

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    I think that's a great idea, I definitely need more credits, and it would be great to have a bit more initiative for getting up. In my town, there is no abandoned places, nigerians are so freaking frugal I can never find a place to go and bomb, because I cannot get out at night.
  2. tophaa

    tophaa Banned

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    What if a "toy progression," thread was started? I think it would be awesome to see some shitty first time throwies and then to see what the writer has progressed into over a period of time. I'm thinking a primary pics thread, by the way, the battle idea is sounding sweet.
  3. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    A novice thread, for those of us between toy and intermediate. Still developing a style, but we know how to make bars lol
  4. Colors

    Colors Banned

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    thats what im saying ^^^
  5. tophaa

    tophaa Banned

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    I agree with Nice, It's kinda of a strange transition from toy to intermediate. There should be a medium between the two.
  6. Phillip McDougall

    Phillip McDougall Elite Member

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    No, there shouldn't. When you know how to do your bars and learn good enough flow, you'll have someone tell you you're ready.
  7. Eurothrash

    Eurothrash Senior Member

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    enough stickies IMHO.
  8. 12againstme

    12againstme Member

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    How about, why you do graffiti? For artistic reasons or more of rebellion and vandalism, or for the thrill of doing something illegal and fucking with the system?
  9. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yo, 12againstme
    why you do graffiti? For artistic reasons or more of rebellion and vandalism, or for the thrill of doing something illegal and fucking with the system?
  10. sadgeh

    sadgeh Senior Member

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    12againstme that would be a fucking lame thread, u cunt.
  11. master of seductions

    master of seductions Banned

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    there already is one in the general discussion
  12. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    Alright alright what about this. Could either be a sick idea or the worst one you've ever heard depending on how you look at this...
    It's sorta like playing SKATE on bombingscience? So obviously only kids who skate would be able to do this haha.
    It's like line skate i guess, take a video of you doing a line(I'm thinking flatground cuz we all live in different parts of the world so we all don't have the same things to skate). It'd be one continuos video of your line, not clips put together because that wouldn't be a line.
    So for example Someone does kickflip heelflip pop shuvit. Someone takes a video of themselves copying the line, and they set a new line, so 2 videos in one post. well actually we could have everyone who wants to enter this "line skate battle" enter and we vote on who did it with the most style and the cleanest, and they get to set the next line, which sounds way better and would make it more orderly. It's a rough idea but i honestly think it'd be cool to try.

    I could even get it started :p
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  13. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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  14. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    Well instead of being gay about it, why don't you point out the parts that you don't like or why it sucks.
  15. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    He's just salty because people are sick of his tags.
  16. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    its a sucky idea, because who is gonna go out of their way to film themselves doing tricks on a skateboard? and how would u even exchange videos? just upload em to youtube or something?
  17. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    Go out of your way? Alot of people film, alot of kids i know that skate are always out to film. And anyway it doesnt have to be editted or anything fancy, you could literally take the video with your cell phone, so long as you can actually see what tricks are being done. There's nothing about would post it in the thread, and you could upload it to youtube, yes.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  18. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    smokeitup, you are party pooper. you poop on parties.
    i like that thread idea. but its them mods that decide..
  19. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    So seriously, I think it's original and it's atleast worth a shot
  20. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    nah man. this thread would die after the first 2 pages.. 3 pages at most.
    you don't have a stable number of skaters on here