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Throw Ups - Bombs

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by CHILLEN905, May 19, 2004.

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  1. Resk One

    Resk One Senior Member

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    car2n i have no beef with you but just stfu

    the racism and homobic comments were not needed at all
  2. Ravek

    Ravek Elite Member

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  3. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    not bad ravek, your betting better
  4. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    not bad ravek, your betting better
  5. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    selm, it was a joke... oh yea

    selm, heres my personal diss to you

    [Broken External Image]:

    take your pussy, fake ass ny self back to wherever you came you fucking wigger piece of shit, learn to dress bitchboy.

    and seckz or whatever, i dont fucking care, eat my cock you cunt :)
  6. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    car2, cant see it...........and nice try to diss me bitch, im not the one that looks like egor!
  7. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    refresh it bitchboy, look at you, your a disgrace, with your purple custom fitted mommy bought hat, lmfao, you never been to ny, keep your mouth shut if you got shit to say.
  8. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    oh thats shooth, use my own picture dumbass, thats old, im prepp now, i dont dress like that anymore, plus im older and bigger, i will kick your ass, i would mess up y our face, but i dont know how i can make it more scared 98% of bs fans when you posted your flick of your face...................idiot
  9. seckzoner

    seckzoner Elite Member

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    ew, i thought you were a REAL homophobe CAR2N, and now you are encouraging me to eat your cock, "CUNT"??

    hmm, you are a human contradiction.
  10. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    how the hell would you know if i have been to new york dumbass...... and how would you know that my mom bought me that, we are seperated she left me, i live on my own with my brothers......dumbass, i hate talking about it, but my mom will prob. die soon, maybe this week, she is deathly ill............but fuck you, going that deep, i make my own living........dumbass
  11. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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  12. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    [Broken External Image]:

    its funny selm, i bench and squat more than you ever will, you can say you got bigger all you want, i'd fuck you up in a heartbeat and snatch that hat off your stupid fucking head.
  13. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    and plus my hat isnt purple fuck your a retarted bitch, i hope you i have been to NY just havnt painted there, i got in a fight there, kicked a guys ass for dissing my i wish you were here to do that........i want to kick the shit out of you

    that pick was taken before my mom was sick.......dumbass, the scanner re counted the date....... that was in calli a while ago
  14. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    good, i hope your mom gets sicker.
  15. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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  16. DA'SeLMeR''

    DA'SeLMeR'' Elite Member

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    oh shit, your face alone scared me to death, the only thing im intimadated by is that nice smooth mexi mustache goin on, you little bitch, look at me i have nothing to do, so i take pictures of me to try and scare other peeps,.......and my ass you can bench more then more, or squat.......been lifting for since i was 11 bitch, ever since my mom got sick, i have been takin it out hard on boxing, and lifting fucker........i would kill you no doubt........gettin ready for hte marines......
  17. CaSoNe

    CaSoNe Elite Member

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    im only 130 pounds nd i can bench 140 lol
  18. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    mustache? i just shaved lol, i put that pic on myspace, you'll kill me? lol, im sure, you're a fucking faggot, say you'll kill me on the internet all you want faggot, you're nothin but a dickriding little bitch, dont try and talk more shit... i've been boxing since i was 10, i dont brag, im in fightclubs, i win, i lose, who gives a fuck, you need to take your wigger ass back to the suburbs and go listen to more eminem bitch.

    Ps, tell me when your moms funeral is, ill kick your ass there.
  19. Ravek

    Ravek Elite Member

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    god dammit u guys i begining to think that beef is the only thing that keeps these forums alive i was gone 10 minutes and there already a page of it...

    thanks for the complement selm
  20. dcite

    dcite Elite Member

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    just wanted to bump these up becuase we need flicks..

    nice ravek!! props for painting, man!