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Throwie Battle Thread

Discussion in 'Toy Battle' started by Fube, May 4, 2010.

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  1. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Forgot the N, dawgggg.^
  2. cooldawg

    cooldawg Senior Member

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  3. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Bump. Join in queers.
  4. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    found a constructive use for the bloody backs
  5. Axil

    Axil Senior Member

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    im not gonna get any votes just want to practices my letters :)
  6. streasies

    streasies Member

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  7. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    WINNER Member

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    image.jpg My throwie and a little character
  9. streasies

    streasies Member

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  10. WINNER

    WINNER Member

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    Yeah really, got a problem?
  11. SuburbanTurban

    SuburbanTurban Elite Member

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    ^wrong thread to post that picture

    the other entries are looking nice
  12. WINNER

    WINNER Member

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    So what forum should I post in?
  13. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    this here is the battle forum. we all right the same word and have a democratic consensus to determine who's style is most aesthetically pleasing. whoever gets the most votesgets to choose the next word.
    you're in the right FORUM, but you need to be in the THROWIE thread.
    alternatively, you could write the current word, "FERNAS" to enter this battle.
  14. biblebeltbangerz

    biblebeltbangerz Elite Member

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    i was thinking about a fix for that too (besides putting hello or postal stickers on that side of the page... to hide the bleeding ya know?) but if you could cover everything outside of the final outline to loolk clean and white or wehatever that would make neato crazy random fills for these things we draw. like, no need to even fill it besides an embelishment here and there inside of the "already filled" new peice or throw or whatever it is.
  15. WINNER

    WINNER Member

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    Ok thanks man
  16. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    cooldawg gmv
  17. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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  18. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    crazy hard choice between arose, mn, and suburban.
    Ima go with arose
  19. Jesr one

    Jesr one Member

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    I feel arose is a bit advanced to be competing here. That said Phat gets my vote.
  20. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    ^really? because i feel that a few of these are definitely better than mine. and by you saying that you are, imo, insulting those cats. but i appreciate the compliment, i guess.
    also, if the cats who are IN the battle ever think it's not fair that I or somebody else compete, it should be voted upon.
    If i don't belong in this thread, then i'll stop putting in for battles here. the battle forum is moving too slowly though.