might sound dumb, but the wu symbol isnt a bad W for a throw up...if the word was shortened to like two letters ('We', 'Wc') just an idea ay.
close one between ibuprofen and pilerskee.... ibu's looks a lot like fv's to me though, if u took out the wu-tang as u call it lol and if fv spelled it right they would look a lot alike i at least.... i like fv's r and m a lot... more thinking is needed hah
[Broken External Image]:http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos...47532883_100000507545549_230231_3596402_n.jpg
first of all, atesk come first and foremost. my first priority is to burn your whack graf like toast. [Broken External Image]:http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9668/getattachmentforemost.jpg some quick bullshit cause im bored.
Sometimes styles are just similar. I know homeboy isn't biting me, and I sure as hell know I'm not biting him.