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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Apr 10, 2008.

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  1. NosE2

    NosE2 Elite Member

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  2. goldman123

    goldman123 New Member

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    does this mean i have to change my name
  3. smooth_nuts

    smooth_nuts Elite Member

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    cause its not your name,not by a long shot.
  4. goldman123

    goldman123 New Member

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    i didnt know smith the name just fell
    so it doesnt matter ill change it
  5. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yeah, of course, as obvious as it may be. the moral here is to not write SMITH
  6. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    I wanna read that article. Anyone got a higher res copy?
  7. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    This is what i made out of it, pretty sure its 100% right

    In the dead of night, on a narrow ledge 119 feet above the East River, a graffiti vandal who has plagued the Transit Authority for years introduced himself Tuesday to the Department of Transportation.
    "Sane Smith" left his calling card in 5-foot block letters painted across the Manhattan tower of the landmark Brooklyn Bridge.
    The trademark, which is emblazoned in white paint on the north and south sides of the Gothic tower, can be spotted a mile away.
    In graffiti circles where "getting up" -- as in having your stuff seen -- is the key achievement, this daring display of sure-footed arrogance is a feat akin to painting the Sistine Chapel.
    "As far as graffiti is concerned, this puts him at the top," said Transit Police Sgt. John Romero, whose job is to track subway vandals. "As far as he's concerned, he's at the top of his game."
    But to Romero and transportation officials, this white paint is nothing more than pointless vandalism on a cherished landmark. The city Department of Transportation says it could cost as much as $10,000 to blast the paint off the tower's granite face.
    "He misspelled his name." said Victor Ross, a department spokesman. "It should be Insane Smith."
    Transit police are more familiar with Smith's work. They've been tracking him for three years, following a trail of handiwork he leaves on station after station, train after train.
    "He's one of the top 20 graffiti artists in the city in terms of damage done," Romero said. "His stuff appears on just about every line in the system."
    It's also been spotted on Bronx highway signs, on walls at the Cloisters and on a huge warehouse in upper Manhattan along the East River.
    A Police Department Spokesman said graffiti vandals are usually charged with criminal mischief and the penalty for conviction is up to the judge hearing the case. Transit police say they know who "Sane Smith" is, but won't release his name because he was a juvenile when taken in on his lone vandalism arrest.
    "We've spoken to him," said Transit Deputy Insp. James Ferry. "We've spoken to his mother. But he's just one of those kids who has no intention of stopping. He thinks it's art and [that] we're fools to think otherwise."
    But city sources said "Sane" has been identified as David Smith, an 18-year-old graduate of Hunter College High School who lives in Washington Heights.
    David Smith denied having any role in defacing the Brooklyn bridge, but he said he's "familiar" with "Sane's" work. He said the bridge "hit" took "Sane" two hours on Tuesday night. Few people were around and "Sane" had no fear of getting caught. Smith said, "Even cops wouldn't really go for walking out on a ledge that's only a foot-and-a-half wide."
    "Sane," he said finds no remorse about marring the landmark. "That's what makes them talk about it. If it's possible to hit City Hall, Sane would do it. He specializes in hitting the untouchable."
    Transit police, who say Sane just became their top vandalism target, say they've been close to catching him several times before.
    "But the kid's got eyes up his nose," said Ferry.
  8. PuffBus

    PuffBus New Member

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    Bumping for help, can anybody give me ideas for my K i cant find anything that looks good?
  9. elesdee

    elesdee Member

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    that's awesome ian cheers. respects to smith xD

    kinsk - work on your sloppyness and even out your letters, same size/sidebyside. then when you start getting some flow add on/switch up your letters

    crits for me? fucked up the bottom of the v...
  10. Cl4sh

    Cl4sh Senior Member

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    Thanks ian dude, I appreciate it.
  11. Angel'Ik

    Angel'Ik Member

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    Flare out that K man. You have it looking almost like an H, that top right bar needs to stretch its sexy little self. Also I would have the bottom right bar come closer to the back instead of attaching to the top one. Just my $0.02
  12. PuffBus

    PuffBus New Member

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    View attachment 598489
    is that any better?
  13. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    I can never say this enough, don't do faces.
  14. rolling fresh kush

    rolling fresh kush Banned

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  15. XDeep

    XDeep Member

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    yer E looks like its about to cry haha
  16. XDeep

    XDeep Member

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  17. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    fokes (i think thats what it says) - excluding the K, halo, and lightning bolt, thats a pre dope ass throw
    deeo- you should make your D less complex, work on your shadow, and fix the proportions of your letters
  18. Zhukov

    Zhukov Member

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    Elesdee, yeah, thanks. It is pretty sloppy and I do have trouble with the sizes as it comes out... cheers mate.

    I think the top of your 'O' is a bit strange, and the black triangle on the 'K' is too distracting from the other letters.

    PuffBuss: Your K definitely looks better this time around, get rid of the face and have that first letter (B or C?) straighten up so it's not looking like it's falling to the left.

    Deep: Your Es still look like Cs. If you took the little dot out of them they WOULD be Cs. But a 'c' looks a lot different to an 'e'. Look at the differences and make some changes. Also, cut the bits off the D that aren't necessary to making it look like a D.
  19. Ridiculous

    Ridiculous Member

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    I don't even really have a throwie since i changed my 3-yr-old name (which isn't even that old!) this year.
    This is what i have, which for obvious reasons i have not put up yet:
    It's pretty elementary, so i'm not a fan of it.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  20. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    I think that shit has no flow, but the letters aren't terrible.
    Stop worrying about every stroke being the perfect size and shape.
    There are a shit ton of sudden breaks in the lines, it makes it look bad.