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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Apr 10, 2008.

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  1. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    they are all the same but they are tiiiggghhhtt but fuck that last S
  2. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    nobody gives a fuck dude.

    On the real though drawing lines for vanishing points is cheating in the long run. Practicing without that shit will improve you skills, yeah you'll fuck up a few but when you get to a wall are you gonna draw out lines? Nah your going to eye that shit out. And if you havent eyed your shit out before then you prolly gone fuck it up. No harm in checkin your sketched 3d with a ruler or someshit to see if it matches up after you eyed it out if your tryin to fix it up to make your sketch look nice. I guess thats unpractical for some of the newer heads... but its something to think about...
  3. 2ndsexwithoutcondoms

    2ndsexwithoutcondoms Member

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    every time i go paint im not going to do a different toss each fucking time. think of how many artists use the same throwie over and over duh mine are the same i get one down then i dont giv a fuck.
    i just hate life actually.

    stupid noobs.
  4. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    I shall edit this post with a crit if you fix that double post:cool:

    lol you didnt delete the one where you corrected yourself... but i will crit you early...

    your K your N and your A look like the same thing, and none of them look like a good letter. Little circle thing on the bottom of the I needs to go. I liked your S better when the long left part wasn't there. and whats with the squiggly in the I?

    oh yeah, to avoid broken links/ weird links like what happened when i bumped your pic, just get a photobucket or imageshack and upload it there first ya digg?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  5. skinaone

    skinaone Elite Member

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    the I is a leg ahahah
    idk why it does that
    adn they said the last S sucked but it was original so im confused ahahahah
  6. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    usually the spiral/squiggly in a letter replaces a hole in the letter so on an I its looks dumb lol. but uh yeah your S is different from anything ive seen but the left long part looks kinda unnatural right now. Perhaps once you got the motion down it will look good, but you do need to differentiate your A K and N
  7. sauerkraus

    sauerkraus Member

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  8. mindtrix350

    mindtrix350 Senior Member

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    Or should I maker the outer leg of the "R" fatter and make the inner leg smaller?
  9. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    lol kraus i saw your ass on 4chan last night, don't go on there much but i remembered that green and black piece of shit you posted on here a while back. There was nothing you posted that could be given crits. the only crits i have for you is put your paint the fuck away get out a pencil and paper and do some keyboard letters, but only if you're ACTUALLY interested in improvement. Otherwise just bitch at me that you can do keyboard letters/keyboard letters are boring/you're trying to actually do something with "style" and keep makin a toy name for yourself in your town
  10. nah!

    nah! Banned

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  11. feud

    feud Member

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    Working on my keyboard letters. Critiques?

    Attached Files:

  12. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    ^does that really look like this? -> FEUD

    round the U, round the D, beef up your bars a bit and make sure you're keeping their width consistent
  13. ChronicKush

    ChronicKush Member

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    FUED- That belongs in the blackbook thread but yeahh what ian said lol.
    NAH- That looks like a character off the simsons...?
  14. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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  15. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    colors on the far right throwie are sick, and phat i take it you used fat caps on that tag? and flared it out?
  16. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    yes sir pink dot on all the silvers in the flick, and the last toss is by Eps, everything else is me
  17. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    Good stuff Im liking it nice little spot you got there! with throwies like yours where is the van action at!!? ;)
  18. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    puttin in work phat props
  19. ian

    ian Elite Member

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    yo phat what exactly is ACK? You write that on everything ya do

    Hipe that R is pretty fucked lol, the squiggle in the E looks bad, the A would look better without that bit on the bottom right, C isnt too bad, id bring down that line in the middle and make the bottom part more like a circle if ya feel me, and the H is pretty plain, idk nothin much to say about that


    yeah i feel ya on that, no problem ma dude
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  20. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    yea tryin to work on my alphabet r and k's either turn out real nice or real shit ...and the e was a spur of the moment thing a simple line probably would of looked better..thanks for crits tho