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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Fube, Apr 10, 2008.

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  1. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

    • Messages: 271
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    Haha agreed. Keep it I in the books notsuthr... Please
  2. Phat 2

    Phat 2 Elite Member

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    wow. way to lose your cool kid.
    how is it that you properly contribute to the forum and completely lose it the second someone doesn't like your flick?

    I have to admit that this was one of the most surprising posts I've read.
    I'm sorry, but your throw is no good. that is my opinion, and whether you think it's better than everything I have in my entire country or not is irrelevant to the subject.
    even if you think your throw is better than all throws in the history of throws. it still sucks.

    I am not the least pissed about shit. and as a matter of fact, I do eat ham... why you mention this is beyond me (I do know, but I'm gonna settle with that for now)
    it's important to have a little education my ignorant little friend.
    hopefully you'll one day grow up and learn to accept negative feedback.

    now. you have one more time to pull that racist arab and ham bullshit. you were warned.
  3. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

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    You get a timb to the knot for running your yap like that in my city.
  4. "PHYSH"

    "PHYSH" Senior Member

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    sorry for the disappointment Norfsuthr, but i dont know how ignorant you are but if you did some research lebanon is a christian country, which means we have ham everywhere... and if you go racist like that again i'll buy a ticket to wherever the fuck you are and imprint my shoe on your tongue through your ass..... get educated bitch.....

    ack radioactive.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2011
  5. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Thanks my dude.

    @norf - its not THAT bad. It just needs more personality to it like your tags and pieces have. To quote Phillip on here, your throw is like puttin up a gang sign, simple yet recognizable and also intimidating.
  6. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

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  7. MN Nice

    MN Nice Elite Member

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    Keep throws off the bottom of the paper.
  8. Colors

    Colors Banned

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  9. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    im diggen it mor thats tight
  10. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    quick throw for mori lol highlighters
  11. "PHYSH"

    "PHYSH" Senior Member

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  12. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    ^ top ones pretty sweet

  13. Skaep

    Skaep Member

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    @physh im feelin the second one, maybe drop the second char on the s?

    @gemer looks good man
  14. H1P30N3R

    H1P30N3R Elite Member

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    gemer to much dead space bring your letters together and the k needs work
  15. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    alright thanks man^^^ :)
  16. Mori

    Mori Senior Member

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    That's dope gem. I digg the throws. Do you ever paint though?
  17. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    hell yea man thanx and shit i do sometimes but not that often i would like to do it every fuckin night man but where im at its tough you know but shit ill try to get a painted peice posted see what ya think
  18. TastyMcNasty

    TastyMcNasty Elite Member

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    dope other than, like what MN said, don't do throws on the bottom of a page. and i say fix the bottom right leg of the R, and you're set.
    colors- good, but try and make the bottom left leg of the R stick out less, and give the overall throw more flow, for some reason it looks stiff to me, as if you took your time drawing it. and one last thing, the E in the first one is better.
    germer- you're on the right track, but it's still fairly weak. weird, i woulda thought your throw game would be up to par with your handies and pieces. keep practicing, and simple it up a bit more and your throw will get better. E on the smoke flick is dope though.
    fish- go more simple, dont do any of those point things, or faces. and fix that handie, hurts to look at hahah
  19. JesterSmile

    JesterSmile Member

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    I just started when Christmas break started. Criticism please. Even if it's bad. 111231_0000.jpg 111231_0001.jpg 111231_0002.jpg 111231_0003.jpg 111231_0004.jpg
  20. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    @tasty mcnasty-thanks bro and yea my throw game fuckin sucks i havent really done to much of them until just like this past week