oh you mean the one some other people did for him?...... real crazy look, i dont mean any disrespect and its a tradgedy what happened, but getting killed doesnt automatically make your style any better http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6390649368076073452&q=infamy+mp4&ei=1O1hSMfrN4-E4gKAhMjHAg skip to around 20:50 if you dont wanna just watch the whole thing but, this way we can skip the argueing
hammertime shut up man the dudes throws were sick he kinged sf n was still damn young in graff to be doin what people do today if he was still around today he'd be one of the most up writers of our time no matter who it is you dont disrespect a writer who got up more than anyone on this forum n most of us ever will and died for doing graff i doubt you would die for graff fukin fag
oh, yes sir, your absolutley right if people think he's dope then i guess i have to too, i hereby surrender my opinion.... there are hundreds of people with a throw 50x as stylish, and just like B.S. just cuz you got a high post count dont make you hot shit......
never said it did but leave it out fukin disrespecting someone whose dead and who had throws 100x as stylish as most the shit today .. your opinions your own but if your gnna hate then suck a horse dick and die fuck man rip tie you were the shit man .. bet by the time we die we wont be able to move around heaven without seein tie on evry cloud n angels back
i have respect for him, he died doing what he loved but at the same time, your a fool to tell me this is 100x more stylish than most shit today you are slippin [Broken External Image]:http://keepitlarge.com/albums/tie/aag.jpg there is stuff in the tot throwie section that can hang or pass that ish up.... he was up in his city...respect....he died doing what he loved....respect and i would suspect your not even old enough to have been painting then.... and are you even from sf?
good question...is ANYONE in here from SF? to think about it really, you should see some of the other shit in frisco before saying Tie king'd it... twist was pretty sick too...yet off topic >.< *stabs self*
that fucking blows he was killed but i didnt like his throwies no disrespect but now that he is dead is not gunna change my opinion of him respect through
Im not sayin his style was the best out there but it was his own and very recognizable and he WAS an ill little kid. Im not sayin he was any god but he got up... alot. And thats not even his throwie
uhhh yes it is, and i agree he got up a mad amount, but chances are if he was alive his shit would prolly not get much play around here, actually i can imagine the flaming he would get if that was posted out of the toy thread
are you retarded man ? lets see umm 18 at the time plus a decade of expierence would equal mad ups mad style n why the fuck would he post on here
so he started when he was 8? and im so sure you are an expert on sf graff, living out in a differnt country on a different fuckin continent, i dont tell you about the kids painting your country, shut up about mine, you have no knowledge of my country other than what you get off tv and the internet and while we are on the subject stop following me to harrass me just because you need some nuts to ride, mine are full kid
what ? ive lived in your country n so your an expert on graff n i ment if TIE WAS ALIVE NOW (THATS TODAY 2008 ,THURSDAY,26TH OF JUNE he would be on of the most skilled writers.. i never claimed to know evrything bout america n wtf is it with you ' well you dont live here so you dont know shit i own america la dee fukin da' no one cares we get it your american take your head out your fukin ass you ignorant bastard.
twist was his menotr ... n all the other writers around then helped him out a bit with his shit i've seen some of his simples (not throwes) n other shit
i didnt understand what you meant about the years shit cool your right he prolly would have improved, especially since he was hella down with saber and mq who wouldnt get better with those guys teachin you? actually i would think with the thousands and thousands of throws, some letter structure, can control, or concept color combos would have made it self evident......... i dont think i own america but since ive been here to EXPERIENCE it, and you read about it through 4th hand information..... so yea i feel i have a better view of my country than you do, just like if i thought i knew hella shit about your country youd get pissed and act like you own it.....oh wait you did that already when i mentioned farming in scotland....this website like is babysitting for my sister's retarded son
lol i have no pride in england wich isnt my country .. south africas my home but i hate it lol so yeah dont worry bout the country shit now tis bout tie
well like i said, if you start writing and then get swooped up by some real talent like twisto or saber, and even after "kinging" a major us city, still had no letters, can control, or original color combos....your not a king your a toy that got up alot he is a martyr for graff, and it sucks what happened to him, i wasnt trying to bring him down.....if you could get over your own opinion youd realize that.... but its ok, your allowed to be a cocky teenager, youll grow out of it....