fuck man!!! the fucken closed downth michael's by my area!!!! its fucken gay! the onlt pace with decent markers near hers is closed!! i have to go to la now!!fuck!! why would hey close down my heaven? is god mad at me? fucken god damn!!! this is fucken bull!!!! fuck! :angry: :angry: :angry: oh well... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
hahahaha, that sucks dude. just go the homemade path. works nicely for me. or just go get a kiwi and some ink
Wal Mart isn't very sketchy at all, until they start to catch on to you. I go to a few different wal marts regularly. I usually take xbox 360 controllers or ps3 controllers or accessories. It's not that hard really. In one of them...I just take the product, go to the shoe section, and open it with a box cutter, put it in my pocket and walk out. Another one, I can steal mass amounts of shit at once. I get a basket...walk to the electronics section, and put the shit in the basket, and then i go to a blind spot, and pull a wal mart bag out of my pocket, shove the shit in the bag, go to the garden center, and slip it under the fence. Then I go around and pick it up. I mostly just steal controllers and sell them to Gamestop for cash, but occasionally I take something like a drink or food or some shit...whatever... Just find a blind spot, and wait till nobody is around, and pocket it...or slip it up your sleeve. With paint...they don't have sensors on paint, so just put them in a bag or a backpack and walk out.
hell yes it does, i mean i still used kiwi's and homemades n shit, but still!! why did they close this place??? unless, they're making it bigger!!! :lol: :lol: but i doubt it <_< :angry: oh well, guess ima have to find some other place, anyone live in the no ho area that knows bout a crafting store or some shit like that?? pm me if you do, im too lazy to look.
that whole garden section fence thing is a great idea never heard of it ima try it once they open the tarps on the fences in that place but also our gardend section is next to the front were a road goes right by ninja skill will kick in h34r:
haha word...but when that happens i just smoothly act like im scratching my crotch....and if your gully and ninja enough you can boost whole shopping carts of paint, its THE illest Rush, ive done it 3 times, but if you really load up you can get about 100 cans just on the top part of the cart...it gets really heavy though, and starts not to turn....the key to anything is confidence tho
hey i've been rackin small shit like markers and black books and what not but can they ever track your theif ass down? i mean they do have cameras and shit so wouldnt you think they'd send that shit into the cops if they suspected anything? i've been in situatioins where i was pretty sure they knew what was up. So im sure they checkde the cameras.
Don't do it in front of the cameras if you're that worried. But chances are, they are just surveilance cameras that video tape everything in the store, so if they did catch you stealing, they have proof on video. But if you get away with it, and they don't know you stole, what's the purpose of looking on the tapes? I used to work at a shoe store, and the only time we ever checked the tapes was when we knew a pair of shoes got stolen, and then we didn't turn it in to the police. They just look and see what the person looks like to see if they come in again so they can watch them and catch them in the act. Basically, if you aren't caught in the act, they can't do anything.
some small places have cameras but dont check them and just send the tapes in to tha cops at the end of the month and the cops go over them. But do u really think there gonna notice and care about 2 seconds of you stealin somethin when they have to watch all that film. Bigger stores wont neccesarily get the cops invalved unless u stole a fuckload of shit and your off store property, or if your really pissen off the store theyd prolly just get a mystery shopper. No, stores dont usually give the cops a tape and say " find this kid and fuck him over" because the cops dont really care most of the time. Its like if someone stole ur bike, , , do you really think the cops are gonna go lookin for it when they got other shit to do.
this kids right, cops dont give a shit about small ass crimes. i live in philly, when i got robbed, my dad called the cops tellin them to come now. that was 1 in the morning, the cops got there at 3. seriously, cops dont give a fuck.
my first trouble with the police or theft myer. had $600 worth of clothes in my bag. i was 16. police called. i get arrested. interviewed. 2 months later i get a summons. i'm still waiting to go to court. i'm getting a permanent record. fucking undercover LP officers.
not really, u can b ninja about it to. and if they get nosey or something, tell em to fuck off, and look in the little holes in the rak cause they DO look through them things, thats how i got kicked out of a target
not really, u can b ninja about it to. and if they get nosey or something, tell em to fuck off, and look in the little holes in the rak cause they DO look through them things, thats how i got kicked out of a target [/b][/quote] some DTs are mad illmatic at being sneaky(half the time cause they used to do that shit themselves), and other times they suck and are soooooo obvious its ridiculous... guess its just the luck of the draw...with normal cops you can ask them if theyre a cop, and say you wanted to report "suspicious activity" or make up some bullshit(but not too much that you could get in trouble for it) to see if theyre a cop or not, cause you could have a legit emergency...or being snitching someone out
some DTs are mad illmatic at being sneaky(half the time cause they used to do that shit themselves), and other times they suck and are soooooo obvious its ridiculous... guess its just the luck of the draw...with normal cops you can ask them if theyre a cop, and say you wanted to report "suspicious activity" or make up some bullshit(but not too much that you could get in trouble for it) to see if theyre a cop or not, cause you could have a legit emergency...or being snitching someone out [/b][/quote] cops HAVE to tell u if there undercover or not cause if they say no then they bust u for stealing, its entrapment and u get the case thrown out and all charges lifted but ur probly still not aloud bak in the store