la writer here looking for tips on hitting freeway walls/signs my throws go up pretty quickly but my pieces take a while to come together, and it seems like the freeways are always packed with cars even in the middle of the night are these spots as hot as i think they are or am i just being a bitch? what’s the best way to climb up a freeway sign? any other tips also welcome
theyre def hot as fuck, but most people cant do much just get in and get out, nothing but throwies maybe large tags, and if the popo decide to get up yo ass, just run fuck it, by the time they out of they cars, you halfway back to your crib. if they pull up to your exit spot, cross the other side of the freeway, wait it out and hide if you really need to. hard to get caught this way, just wear all black and make sure no skin is able to be seen. gloves are very important, as if you leave cans they can't bring it to the lab and do fingerprints.