Personally it depends on the situation. If the person seems like they may not give a shit quickly finish. If they try to come at you or looked pissed as hell BOUNCE.
thats why if your in a bad situation u run, like the picture above just get the fuck out if ya need to
Totally just run. Know your escape route before you start painting and have a back up route. Run the route and you should get away just fine. If you get caught, I'm not sure. Don't be a dick I guess. And apologize.
why are you offering advice on how to avoid getting caught when in the other thread you said you don't even write?
A: always have excape route-- B:if you're holding a fairly empty can (or just value your freedom) throw it at their face and run and don't stop until you're so far you can't even be associated with the wall you were at. I've been caught and it's fatal to a name if the pigs in your area keep up with them well. If it's just a hero citizen can that bitch and run If it's a cop sprint and don't stop go down every alley. Remember you're outrunning his radio not that fat donut eater If it's the owner of the wall (business, abandoned house) be cool if there's already a lot on the wall he may just be bitching at you. they probably know the cops wont make it time, otherwise ..... run... so run
I've only had someone do this once when i was bombing with my homie and we just walked away until we had an exit route and the guy just left.
what about having some roman candles or smoke bombs or other firework with you? that will be illigal aswell but you may have some time to leave coz the guy is like wtf is going on here?! and what about giving him some cash, dont have to be that much i think. Never did one of these thinks but i was thinking about it now and wanna know what you guys think of it. Let me hear.
Fireworks on a hero would only attract other people and ofc cops. If cash theyll want ofc like 50$. He knows you would have to pay way more, you either pay him 50, or government 500 Do Heros in US really front u if u are like 3-4 people? Here theyd be scared as fuck. Even if you arent looking at them they walk faster and hope u dont turn around
Step away from the wall, Stand in shadow, make awkward eye contact with pursuer, he turns and walks away, I turn and finish my business...simple. And if they get bold then they can see what paint in the eyes feels like and a week of boxing lessons does. lmao
It also pays off to carry extra clothing. I was chased the other day on some tracks. After I could not see they guy anymore I stashed my bag in the woods, took off my jacket, un cuffed my pants and put on a fake pair of glasses that I carry with me when I paint for eye coverage ( which clearly did come in handy). The only place to go was through the woods onto a main road or jump a fence into a baseball field that has a river on the other side. When I got to the station to get of the tracks the dude rolled up in a truck with a police car behind him. I walked up to them, the dude asked if I saw anyone. I said I saw a man with a teal windbreaker on jump the fence. The guy told the cop that was the person and I walked away. It pays off to stash your shit and change your clothes.
keep your head low and run. Where I'm from the cops will beat you. It might be worth practicing parkour or free running in order to make sure you get away with a clean slate