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Tot Characters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by cess!, Feb 12, 2006.

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  1. bountyhunter113

    bountyhunter113 Elite Member

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    lmao....i'll come up wif some sketches l8r
  2. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    forget the shape of his head its swag any shape
  3. Nosypainter

    Nosypainter Elite Member

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    ill get a better one tomorow [/b][/quote]
    you shouldnt of even posted that it sucks
  4. Guerrilla876

    Guerrilla876 Senior Member

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  5. trashhh

    trashhh Elite Member

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    haha just was i was gonna say
  6. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    my friend had some old converses he was gonna throw away. so i was like hey, ill take those. so he thought about it...then handed em to me and said "Merry Christmas"

    what a nice guy.

    anyway, heres one of em, im in the process of doing the other one.
  7. bountyhunter113

    bountyhunter113 Elite Member

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    nicee,wut a crappy x-mas present tho
  8. ras

    ras Banned

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    Whaappen....youve posted that shit like a gazzilion times...

    bill wheeze of cheese....that shits making me feel sick ! :( :blink:

    View attachment 241070

    Heres a pecie with sum reak kicks in....Air Force for life..hahaa.. :lol:

    Crits please.................................... ;)
  9. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    air forces are wack. dunks all the way.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Senior Member

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  11. AteskOne

    AteskOne Elite Member

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    looks pretty good bowser...i see an improvement from your last one. sorry my comps been down and shit so i havent been abel to post nuthing. i got like a million new characs tho that i'll have up as soon as my comps up and running. peace.
  12. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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  13. ras

    ras Banned

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    Buuuump for critsssss..

    Atat...what isit...i dont think its a tag OR a karak...
  14. T_R_O_N

    T_R_O_N Senior Member

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    ^^^ i like your characters a lot man, they are very can 2 ish you dig?
  15. paint fumes have rotted my brain

    paint fumes have rotted my brain Senior Member

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    how old are you? i've seen 6 year olds with more art skills than you, and why you saying its your first character? didnt you ever draw as a kid?
  16. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    tru. anything you draw can be a charac.

    I just wonder if some people are serious when they post.

    ras - hot shit. usta not like your stuff so much, but recently, billions better. lovin it. keep it up. sorry my shoe made you feel sick btw.

    and to that dude who drew the shitty ass charac last page. you know the one. with balls for eyes and a fuckin cleft chin. my friend told me about this great thing. its called suicide. its not for everyone, but you look like you could use it. just think about it.

    anyway. im pretty stupid lazy. but i found a better way for stickers, that for some reason, no one has mentioned yet. ill get the name, and all that business. it costs money, yea, but its fuckin insane. stickers as far as the eye can see. itll make em.

    big as your head.

    ill get the name and a pic of the roll etc etc when im not so lazy.

  17. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    ras nice shit. AIR FORCES FOR LIFE!...
  18. ras

    ras Banned

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    ;) Thanks Yall...yeah..i dunno bout my karaks looking like CanTwo's...although he is one of my biggest influences...i wouldnt say my karaks look like his...i think its just the same baller / hip hop guy style ...

    Bill'k man....i aint into all tha cnverse punk shit...yeen know... ;)

  19. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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    bumpity bump

    yo yo fuck punk, we wants the ska up in here
    at least i do :(
  20. ras

    ras Banned

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    Yeah..fuck punk...emo punk bitches...

    the neck is kinda crooked...but all n all it looks great..the cloths look kool too..