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Tot Characters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by cess!, Feb 12, 2006.

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  1. Bowser

    Bowser Senior Member

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    who me???
  2. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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    Buuuump for critsssss..

    Atat...what isit...i dont think its a tag OR a karak... [/b][/quote]
    well see the eyes are two As and the top of the head is a T after the first A then after that youve got the big on as like this thing on its head . i add teeth to the bottom . it lke a hybrid . and then i do the bubbles to symbolize like its flying .
  3. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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  4. big baby jesus

    big baby jesus Member

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  5. ras

    ras Banned

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    oh my god...big baby gesus..i dunno what to say...just sketch sketch sketch

    and Sketch...yeah...i think he was trying to quote whut i sed about that tag thing he posted.. ;)
  6. big baby jesus

    big baby jesus Member

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    alright. i actually drew this over and over a few times but it still came out kinda bad. the ghetto blaster is fucked.

    thanks man. just tryin to learn
  7. ras

    ras Banned

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    yeah man.. i understand..just sketch for the time being.. ;)
  8. AT AT

    AT AT Senior Member

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    i think u mean this pic not rases one,cuss if not then wat the fuck r u on about [/b][/quote]
    yeah thats the one
  9. Bill Cheese of Wheeze

    Bill Cheese of Wheeze Senior Member

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    who me???[/b][/quote]
    lol nah bro. i like yours. i think with craploads of more developing and expressing, you could totally make a wicked style. im lookin forward to shit in the future. just make sure you draw everyday. doesnt matter what, just draw something.

    im talkin about this guy

    [Broken External Image]:

    he made me kill a baby.


    O, and to the people that dont like 'punk'. cool. neither do i lol. my friend just had some old converses (that he had found, i might add) and i was just liuke dude. i could do some pretty wicked shit on those.

    so i did.

    as for me. im more of a phat laces kinda guy.
  10. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    ...emo is not punk :angry:
    so you need to leave

    aaaanyways, this page is pretty dead


    not sure if i posted thi already
  11. BohemianBastard

    BohemianBastard Senior Member

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    you know, i never could understand why people draw morbid shit
    its much harder to come up with original happy looking positive characters
    (hint hint)
  12. Bowser

    Bowser Senior Member

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    thnx Cheesey Bill, Please dont kill my babies.........Yeah I thought dudes sketch needed alot of work also.
    My bro just got me a nice sketch book for x-mas so yeah I been drawing alot more lately.
  13. LilTripEihtNine

    LilTripEihtNine Member

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  14. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    take a better pic and put it the right way round...
  15. ras

    ras Banned

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    hahaaa word !!...

    Liltrip89....get a clearer pic...

    could i get sum crits on this...

    View attachment 241507

    and this...from aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago...i just wuna knw how my karaks have prgressed ? ...

    View attachment 241508

    Thanks.. ? ;)
  16. shamee1991

    shamee1991 Elite Member

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    dont like the secound one the first one is alot betta...
  17. ras

    ras Banned

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    well iv progressed then...bcuz the bottom one is from a while back...te 1st is my most recent
  18. Linkzone1

    Linkzone1 Senior Member

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    You're so Obsessed with Gesus, you forgot how to spell it the correct way. It's JESUS.

    With a "J"
  19. ras

    ras Banned

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    shut the fuck up u dumb fuck...Big Baby Gesus is someone's USERNAME !...if you read thru first...instead of being wouldnt of made your self look sucha prick !...
  20. Linkzone1

    Linkzone1 Senior Member

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